Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

your hands or your feet on an ice-
berg you soon have to take them
off again. We don't even notice
the cold though, because Allah
created us with our legs covered in
thick fur so that they are not affected
by the cold. If our legs were covered
with skin like you, we would never be
able to live in this cold environment."
After what the
polar bear had told
him, Mansoor under-
stood more clearly that Allah possesses unlimited power and
might. Then Mansoor remembered the holiday village where he
had spent his vacation. He had swum all summer long, but the
water was warm because of the mild climate. He thought and com-
pared it with the cold water polar bears swim in, and it was obvi-
ous to him that Allah had created these animals in such a way as
to make them resistant to cold water. Thinking about it, he realized
that Allah created every creature with the ideal body for the envi-
ronment in which it lives. For example, camels were created so that
they can stand up to the heat of the desert. Mansoor's friend the
polar bear then interrupted his thoughts:

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