Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

"Mansoor, do you know why we are white or yellowish in color?"
"No I don't. I've never thought about it. Why?"
The bear explained. "This white color of ours ensures that we are
protected from our enemies in the cold, icy environment we live in.
We are almost invisible in the miles of white ice fields because we are
the same color as them."
Mansoor was impressed. "How logical!" he said. "If you were as
black as a crow or as colorful as a parrot then it would be impossi-
ble for you to hide. And that would mean you would often be in dan-
"Yes, Mansoor. There are so many things which people never
think about and which they have become accustomed to seeing. In
fact Allah has created everything according to His divine wisdom."
Mansoor felt very grateful to Allah for having given him the power
of thought and understanding. "If Allah had not willed it, I might be
wasting my time in the temporary life of the world in ignorance of His
supreme knowledge and power," he said to himself.
Thinking about his conversation with the
polar bear, Mansoor realized how im-
portant life was. Every new piece of in-
formation he learned increased
Mansoor's love and awe of Allah.

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