Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

that he was ill.
Rashad explained that he had caught a very bad dose of flu at
the start of the holiday and that he had to stay at home because the
doctor had told him to stay indoors, rest and not go anywhere until
he was completely better, so this was how he was spending the holi-
"Get well soon," said Tawfiq. "I'm very sorry for you. I hope
you'll get better quickly." He told him that all his other friends in
Tawfiq's neighborhood were wondering about him too. Afraid of tir-
ing Rashad, he didn't want to talk on the telephone for too long.
Rashad said: "I'm very glad you called. Say hello to my friends
and don't forget to call again."
Again Tawfiq told him to get well soon and hung up. He was
very unhappy because his friend was ill and had to spend his vaca-
tion in such a way.
When his mother saw he was unhappy she asked him what the
matter was. Tawfiq told her about his friend's problem. "Who knows
how bored he is having to spend his vacation like that. I wonder what
else I can do for him," he said.
His mother thought for a moment: "They don't live very far away.
You could go and visit him. Rashad's mother is an old friend I haven't
seen for a long time. I could go and see her at the same time."
"That would be great, Mum. When can we go?" exclaimed
Tawfiq delightedly.
"Call Rashad and ask when's a good time," his mother told him.
The next morning Tawfiq called Rashad early. He told him that
he wanted to visit him with his mother and asked when would be a
good time.
Rashad was very happy and told him his mother would be as

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