Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
4 Choose the correct form, A ar S, to complete the sentence.
a Martin had same very stranget3 when he stayed in the old castle.
Aexperience Bexperiences
b I've always enjoyed , which is why I have worked abroad a lot.
A travel Bjow"ney
c The teacher was upset at the children's ...
Abehaviour Bbehaviours
d Some people think that if they don't eat , they will los e weight.
Abread Bloar
e The computer printer has run out of ..
Apaper Bpapers
f In this part of the country, it isn't easy to find a ....
Awork Bjob
g Can you take my upstairs, please?
Aluggage Bluggages
h Kate is eaming a lot of in her new job.
Amoney Bmoneys

S Complete the sentence with a singular or a piurai form ofbe.
a The news on Channel Five at nine o'clock.


b These loaves .. ..rea11yfresh.
c I think that maths the most difficult subject.
d The coffees you orderedH on the table over there.
e The works of Shakespeare still popular.
f Everyone says that money hard to come by these days.
g The people I know a11on holiday at the moment.
h The trafficHH really terrible this evening.
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