Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
6 Answer the questions about the text below. Letters in the questions refer to the nouns
lettered in the text.

Energy is never created or destroyed


get this energy back very easily;
it is much easier to obtain more
energy from a fue! ar e!ectricity
than to extract the energy from
the air and theIground outside.

If you tum off a a light at the switch, b the room goes dark immediately. c Ught doesn't stay as light for very
long after leaving d the lamp, sa the light in the room has to be continually replaced. What happens to
e the energy that leaves the lamp?
The hot lamp loses energy to the surrounding fair - this is carried away by a g convection current.
The light and infra-red h radiation are absorbed by the wall s and other surfaces, causing them to warm up.
All the energy from the lamp spreads out into the room, causing a very smallitemperature rise.
Almost all the energy that we take from sources su ch as jelectricity, gas, coal and petrol ends up as k heat
in aur surroundings - in the
buildings that we live in, the air
and the outdoors. We cannot

Circle the correct answer.

a a light (a) means Alight in general Ba lampl something that makes light
b light (c) means Alight in general Ba lamp, something that makes light
c Which of these nouns can we make plural?
A the room (b) B light (c) C the lamp (d) D the energy (e)
Complete these sentences with a singular or piurai form of one of the nouns in the text.
d. .. all over the country will fall rapidly tomorrow, and there is a danger that
the demand for .. .. may cause power cuts in some places.
e made up of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and a number of other.
f People in London reported seeing numbers of unusual .. ... in the sky, and many
believed they we re UFOs.

1 Make a list of nouns fram this unit that are uncountable in English,
but piurai in your language.
2 Correct the errors in these sentences.
lane had her hairs wt last week. She looks fantastic.
I'm looking for an accommodation near the college.
1'11give you an advice. If I were you, I wouldn't take that job.
Need more practice?Goto the Review on page 192.

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