Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


articles (1)

Use indefinite article a /an

  • when first describing something, or making a generai statement about something not known or
    without any details. Useanwhen the word following begins wit h a vowel.
    Suddenlyaman appeared autside the windaw.
    That is an interesting point.

  • to give an example.
    A thermometer is used for measuring tempera ture.

  • to describe one of a c1assof things or people.
    Paula is an Italian. She'sateacher.
    It's aracing bike.

  • for rates and speeds etc.
    Same people can cyele at 50 km an hour.
    Phil earns €500 amonth.

Use definite articlethe

  • with things or people already mentioned.
    First, I takeatest tube. Then inta the test tube I paur 50 ccaf water

  • when a noun is made definite by details following it.
    That man autside was the man that the police were looking for.

  • when we definitely know what is being talked about.
    Are yau gaing to the post office? Can you getmesame stamps?
    Passmethe salt, please.

Use zero article

  • to describe something generai or uncountable.
    Love makes the worldgoround. Water boils at100°e.
    Same people believe that men and women think differently

  • with proper names, though these can begin with the if they have details following them.
    Kate lives in Manchester inalittle street called Green Street.
    This is Mary Smith. She is the Mary Smith I told you about.

  • with generai examples, countable or uncountable.
    Doctors often have to wark mare than a hundred haursaweek.
    Water isascarce resaurce in many parts af the warld.
    Note that article use depends on context. Unit 30 contains more examples of how to use a /an, theand
    zero article.

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