Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

1 Underline the correct word.
a Idonit like that coat.The/Acolour is horrible.
b He doesn't like going to seethe/adentist.
c She asked forthe/acup of coffee, but she got tea instead.
d The/Alaboratory is a place where scientific experiments are done.
e I don't believe he's the/apoliceman, he looks too young!
f She isa/anintelligent woman.
g I went tothe/abank today and they said I didn't have any money!
h Who leftthe/adoor open?
A/Anhotel is more expensive than a / an youth hostel.
The/Afilm starts at half past seven.

2 Choose the correct form, A, B ar C, to complete the sentence.

a If you want to be healthier, think carefully about.J~ .... you eat.
A(ood Bthe (ood Ca (ood
b If you don't enjoy ... ..Ido something else.
Athe exercise Ban exercise
c Try learning .....
Aa new sport Bnew sport Cthe new sport
d Sometimes the food you eat is less important than ....
A(ood you don't eat Ba (ood you don't eat Cthe (ood you don't eat
e Do you eat enough .. ....?
Afruit and vegetables Bthe fruit and vegetables Cfruit and the vegetables?
f There is a saying,I a day keeps the doctor away.'
AThe apple BA apple CAn apple
g chocolate cake should only be eaten occasionally.
AThe pieceo( BPieceo( CA pieceo(
h Stress also makes unhealthy.
Athe people Bpeople Ca people
If you've had Itry and do something nice for yourself.
Athe bad day Bbad day Ca bad day
You could visit a friend or go to
Acinema Bthe cinema Ca cinema

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