Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
3 Camplete the text with a/anarthe.

Business letter checklist

OH language used in p ..
business letter tends to be formaI eg 'We regret

I to inform you .. .'

q letterhead ineludes r
' f,lI,dd"" ,nd te'ephone n'mbe, olS

. business.




"H' left-hand

.. top of 4H

tHH address of u ..
is also included in fuli on v ..
side above w HH •••• text.
Everything is left justifjed (starts at x ..
left-hand edge) except y ...."H ••••••••••• letterhead.
Letters starting 'Dear Sir' end in 'Yours faithfully'.
If you start with z name of the person
you are writing to, for example 'Dear Mr Brown',
you end I·····..H. letter with 'Yours sincerely'.
2 .... date and any reference number
are shown at 3.

Memo checklist

a .".The:- word memo is short formemorandum
and it means b note to help as
c H'" .•.reminder.
It is only used within dHH .......H business and
sa there is no need foreHH' ..... .fuli external
address off.......... ....H' person you are sending it
to. However, you might need to show
g. .' internal office address, eg room
number and building.
There are usually just spaces for h
names of the person sending and the person
recelvmgiH'" ... H .H' memo. However, copies might
be sent to other people ini..····..........H .company
for reference.
The subject is elear from k....HHH .heading
andIHHH text is brief.
There is no formal signature. Sometimes
m H"" .. ..•.. originator will sign their name I~~c.;;.;c" .•~"-=-_....
freehand at n H .H'H.H bottom. ". \ .._".c·",,~.o ..~.
~~-"-~~~. =.. ..... _. ::.'


4 Camplete the text with a/an, thear leave blank for zero article.

a - waves are vibrations that transfer energy from place to place without
b..... matter (solid, liquid ar gas) being transferred. For example, think of
c .. ... Mexican wave in dH ••••••••••••••••••••••• crowd ate .. .football match.
f.H .wave moves around g'H' stadium, while each spectatar stays in their
seat, only moving up then down when it's their tum.
Some waves mus t travel through h substance. This substance is known as
i... medium, and it can be solid, liquid ar gas.jH sound waves and
seismic waves are like this. As the waves travel through it, k ... medium vibrates.
Other waves do not need to travel through IH substance. They may be able to
travel through m.. ......medium, but they do not have to. n..H visible light,
infrared rays, and microwaves are like this. They can travel through O empty space."f>...'i'-y
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