Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Useboth (of)

  • to refer to twa things, with a p\ura\ noun and verb, as in these sentences:
    80th books were written in1986. (piurai noun + verb)
    You are both wrang. (afterbe)
    You have both madeamistake.(between auxiliary and participle)
    You must both be more careful.(between modal and verb)
    80th ofthe pencils were braken./80th of mypencils were braken. (both of+the+ piurai noun /
    80th ofyou are wrang. (both of+ pronoun)
    Useeither (of)

  • to mean 'this ar the other', with a singular noun and verb.
    There are two methods. Either method wil/ give resu/ts.

  • withthe+ piurai noun.Either ofis a pronoun form.
    Either of the methods will give results.
    You can use either ofthem. (either of+ pronoun)

Useneither (of)

  • to mean 'not this ar the other'.
    These are incorrect answers. Neither is correct.

  • withthe + piurai noun.Neither ofis a pronoun form.
    Neither of the ans wers is correct.
    Neither of them is correct. (neither of+ pronoun)

2 Decide where to putwhole in each sentence, and write whole and the following noun at the end.

1 Putmost, ali, orno in each space, according to your opinion. Check the factual answers on page 208.
a Alt birds have feathers, and they are the only animals that do.
b animals (roughly 85%) eat plants ar their products, su ch as seeds.
c mammals .have hair that is naturally blue or green in colour.
dd reptiles are 'cold-blooded' and need heat from the Sun to live.
ed mammals give birth to live young, but a few, such as the duck-billed platypus, lay eggs.
f .....d ••mammals, other than bats, can really fly.
g ..............d animals, but not apes and monkeys, are colour-blind.
h d.birds lay eggs with hard shells made mostly of calcium carbonate.
There are reptiles in the Arctic or Antarctic.
••••••••••••••••• dbirds, except penguillS, ostriches and some others, are able to fly.

a After fire destroyed their house, the
family was put up in a hotel by the local
b The forecast for the end of the week is for
high winds and snow over the country.

c I certainly thought that the first two
episodes were weak, but I could change
my mind when I've seen the series.

d There is nowa generation of teenagers who
cannot live without texting and phoning.

e Late in the evening there was heavy rain,
and now the area is under wat er.

f Mother Teresa, who died yesterday aged
87, spent her life caring for the poor.
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