Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

3 Complete the text with most ot, alI ofandnone of.

However hard they try to solve the problem,a ..allo± the world's large cities suffer from traffic
problems. b them were not planned to cope with so many vehicles, so the streets are narrow,
and there is not enough space for parking. A number of different solutions to this problem have been
suggested, but c them has been completely successful. For example, many cities try to discourage
the use of private cars in the centre, but even so it is impossible to keep d......... the traffic away.
As e .. .....the larger shops, offices. hoteis, railway stations etc are in the centre of the city, there will
always be a need for buses and taxis and some private cars.An obvious answer is to movef
the hoteis, offices and large stations out of the city centre. It would be impossible to move g
them, but it would still make the situation better.The new areas would have plenty of parking and public
transport, so they would have h the problems of the old city centre.


(^4) Underline the correct option.
a !t's difficult to describe a typical school system, asalI/each/everycountries are different.
b In some countries, alI/each/everyschool chooses its own curriculum, ar programme of study.
c In others, the government decidesalI /each/everydetail of the educational programme.
d Class sizes vary as well, and in some places there are mare than 40 pupils inalI/each /
e In other places, classes are small, and the teacher has mare time to spend withalI /each /
evelYindividual pupil.
f In some countries the government providesalI /each/everytextbooks completely free
of charge.
g In other countries, however, alI/each/everyschoolbook for the different subjects has
to be bought from the school, or from a bookshop.
h In some school systemsaU/each/evelYpupils eat their midday meal at school.
In other places, however, aU/each/evelYpupil makes his ar her own arrangements,
some going home and returning, and others bringing a packed lunch.
AlI /Each/EvelYwe can be certain about is that no two countries are exactly the same
where education is concerned.

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