Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
5 Complete the sentence wit hboth ...andorneither ...nor.Check the factual answers on page 208.
aBQlh Alexander ..g~J Napoleon were leaders who conquered a number of
other countries.
uu Napoleon died in his own country.
.u Napoleon successfully handed on power to a son.
....Napoleon managed to completely defeat all their enemies.
uuu Napoleon successfully invaded Egypt.
uu. Napoleon we re excellent generals who won a large number





.. Alexander ..
...... Alexander ..
...............Alexander ..
of battles.
gu Alexander Napoleon ledtheir armies to far distant countries.
h Alexander u Napoleon married more than once, and had a number


of children.
................. Alexander ..
................... ..Alexander ..

uu Napoleon lived to anoldage.

. Napoleon we re poisoned, according to some historians.

a most ofA every C allB

noneneitherA no C B

everyAwhole C allB

allmostA mostof C B
e A both

neitherevelY C B

alleachA every C B

A Either CBNoneAli

noneA all C everyB
A whole

most C bothB
A none


Nowadays au 13 ... us spend a lot of time watching DVDs or going to the cinema, but so far there is
b .. .usign that we have stopped reading books. It sometimes seems that c .. ..u child in the
world has read a Harry Potter book, and d... people on the beach, and not only older people, seem
to be reading something. Obviously it is possible to enjoy e books and films, but books do seem
to have a number of advantages.With new DVDs costing around €30 f ,it is clearly cheaper to
read. g... ......u ..•you need to enjoy a book is a comfortable chair, after alI. Films show you all the aetion
in colour, but for many people h .. .uof the special effects in a film is as good as the pictures in their
own imagination.And the i.. .....experience of reading a good book can be a lot more rewarding.
Of course, films can be great too, but in the end,j of us has to decide how we would rather
spend our time.

6 Choose the correct option, A, B or C, to complete the text.

1 Write eight true examples beginning:
Al! Not al! Most Every
2 Check that you have the correct answers to
Exercise 6. Translate it into your own language.
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