Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
1 Complete the sentences about the pharaoh Tutankhamun with personal pronouns (I,yau,he etc)and
possessive adjectives(my,YOUT,his etc).


a He. has been famous ever since ..
tomb was discovered in 1922.
b However, little is known about ..
c....... began .. reign with the
name of Tutankhaten at the age of nine.
d Because of his youth, it was probabIy ..
chief minister Ay who ruled instead
e While still a boy, married
f As a result of political changes, both ...
names were later changed.

g Tutankhamun's death took place when
was still a teenager.
h The ancient Egyptians buried .. young
pharaoh in a tomb fulI of beautiful objects.
In modern times these objects have been seen
by thousands of tourists and have
made Tutankhamun famous.
If you want to see ..... death mask and
other amazing objects, you will have to visit
the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

2 Complete the sentence with a passessive ar an abject pronaun.

a This CD belongs to me. This CD ist\\.il'l.e"...
b This is his calculator. This calculator is

c That bike belongs to her. That bike's

d This balI is ours. This balI belongs to

e That is yom desko That desk is

f We own this house. This house is ..
g Those boots are theirs. Those boots belong to

h That's mine. It belongs to ..
Those are their books. These books are

Is this yours? Does this belong to

3 Rewrite each sentence 50 that it contain5 the word in capitals.

a Harry is one of my friends.
.Harr' ..a +rie.VlJ.O+ ..MiVle...
b That idea was theirs.

c This one belongs to uS.

d This is my pencil, but where's the one that belongs to you?

e Sue is talking to one of her friends.

f This is his bike.

g Do they own that house?

h That cup is yoms.





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