Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
4 Complete the sentenees giving adviee to elimbers with a reflexive pronoun (myselfete).
a If you are elimb ing alone, and have an
aeeident, you have to try and keep ealm. You
have to ask.. .. IjQurseJf a number
of questions.
b Have you hurt in any
c Sometimes when we have injured
, we don't even realize
that this has happened.
d Same people may not realize they have
eut until they see the

e H's important to think earefully: jean l lo ok after
in this situation?
f In same eases you may have to make a diffieult
deeision to save
g In a famous ease, climber Aron Raistan trapped his
arm, and was foreed to eut it off in order to free

h Very few people think that they
could do that kind of thing.
But most of us would have to eonsider doing it
if we found in a similar

g. PeopIe all suppose that the Egyptian pyramids
are the oldest, but this may not be true.
that the Egyptian
pyramids are the oldest,but this may not be
h People don't visit the Greek pyramid of
Hellenikoll, but in faet it may be 01der than
any of the Egyptian pyramids.
the G:reek pyramid of
Hellenikon, but in faet it may be ol der than
anyOlthe Egyptian pyramids.
People don't know e~,aetly why it Was built,
but it is believed to be a nIonument over4a
exaetly why it was
built, but it is believed to be a monument
over atarnb.
It's not one of the seven wonders of the
world, but it is an inteTestingthing.
H's not one otthe seven wonders of the
world, but it is

a We have all heard of the Pyramid otGiza, Qne
of the seven wonders of the ancient warid.
,e""f?;vertjQne:his ..heard of the Pyramid of
Giza, onearthe seven wonders of the ancient
b It is not knownexactly naW sueh a huge
pyramidwas built.

If you ask .." whether
there are pyramids in Greeee, they would
probably answer 'No'.

....................., " ~" ""."'.",,"~.•.exaetly how sueli a
huge pyramid was built.
e This huge projeet probably involved all the
people who eould wark.
This huge projec:t probably involved
could worl<.
d We ean also assumethat" it must have been
designed and pl'}pned.
We can also assume that
must have desigued and planned it
e Most pyramids were tombs, but now they are
empty inside.
Most pyramids were tombs, but naw
f If you ask people whether there were
pyrap:1ids in Greece, they would probably
answer 'No'.

S Complete the sentence ~o that it contains a word
beginning some-, any-, no-,every-.


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