Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
6 Replace the underlined part of the sentence with a word beginning some-, any-, no-, every-,ande/se.
a There's another thing 1 want to ask.
sot1Ae,lhj~qe,Jse, ..
b 1 think I'd likeadvicetrom another person.

f 1sthere another person waiting outside?

g Does another person want to use the computer?

c Another thing is worrying me. h There isn't another thing in the box.HiSempty.

d We're alone. AlI the other people have left.

e ]im is mad about football. He thinks about
only that.

Mary has just told me that she loves another
Please be quick. Another person wants the

7 Complete the sentence with somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, areverywhere.

a Eighty per cent of the flora and fauna on the
Galapagos 1slands exists~()~h~c~H else.
b A mosquito willlay its eggs ..
there is water.
c Every second, someone ..
in Africa is infected with tuberculosis.
d Forests in general and rainforests in particular
are in danger ..
e 1sthere ... H on Earth where
life is impossible?

f AlI animals need to feed
and sleep in safety.
g Tsunamis are most often caused by earthquakes the Pacific.
h 1sthere H'. the universe
without heat energy of some kind?
Bacteria are micro-organisms that grow

. on Earth.
..................................................................on Earth are glaciers easier
to study than in Iceland.

8 Complete the text with one suitable word in each space.

Write ten sentences usingsomeone, no-one, everyone, somewhere andnowhere.


One of the adventures of Odysseus is the story of Polyphemus the Cyclops, a one-eyed
giant. Odysseus arrived at an island withartiS men, and took some of them to
the cave where Polyphemus lived.There wasn't b... else in the cave, only som e
sheep and goats.When the Cyclops arrived, he shut c in his cave by rolling a
huge rock over the entrance and then killed some of the men. d else could
move the rock, so Odysseus knew that it would be foolish to kill the Cyclops. He had
to think ofeH' else to do. He waited until the evening and made the Cyclops
drunk. He told the Cyclops that his name was L .HH •When the giant was asleep,
Odysseus and his men pushed a huge piece of wood into his eye, so that he became
blind.The Cyclops shouted with pain, and some other giants heard and asked him who
had injured g.H" .• 'H..• He told them Odysseus's nam e, and so they laughed, and
supposed that he had just hurt h ... Odysseus and his men escaped by hiding
i....H'H under the sheep as they leh the cave in the morning. Polyphemus couldn't
see or feelj ....."'H .••The giant threw huge rocks at the Greeks' ship, but they
managed to escape from the island.
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