Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


When I've finished wat chin g TV 1'11start my wark.

I'm still daing my hamework.

a.LAl'tlil they were deciphered nearly
two hundred years b..... ......, Egyptian
hieroglyphics could not be understaod by European
scholars c.. hieroglyphics were
deciphered, people had to guess what this form of
writing could mean. It was originally used by the
ancien t Egyptian priests, d ... about
3000 BCe..... the time of the Roman
Empire. One of the men who deciphered hieroglyphics
was jean-Fraw;:ois Champollion
(1790-1832)a self-taught linguist who had
f.... learned Latin and Greek
g. ..the age of nine. When he entered the
School of Oriental Languages in Paris
h.. ...1807,he had already suggested,
i... ..the age of sixteen, that the ancient Egyptian language was Coptic.i.. the age
of nineteen Champollion became assistant professor of histary in Grenoble. Here he continued his studies and
k....... this period he started to examine texts brought from Egypt. The French had sent an army
there I ... 1798,and a year m. a group of soldiers had accidentally discovered the
Rosetta Stane, on which was written the same text in three languages - in hieroglyphics, in demotic Egyptian,
the everyday language, and in Ancient Greek n. 1801,however, the French army in Egypt
was defeated by the British, and soon o , the Rosetta stane was taken ta London. There, by
comparing the different kinds of writing on the Stane, Thomas Young showed that some of the hieroglyphs on
the stone wrote the name Ptolemy. Luckily Champollion was able to study a copy of the text on the stane, and
p... 1824 he published au explanation of the hieroglyphic system. q ....then,
archaeologists have been able to read thousands of inscriptions left behind by the ancient Egyptians. The Rosetta
Stone is r ... .... in the British Museum in London.

5 Complete the text with suitable time words.

1 Write a true statement with each time word.
soon on time ance yet stil/

2 Check that you have the correct answers to Exercise 2.
Translate the sentences into your own language.

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