Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
1 Complete the sentence with a suitable preposition.
a Most people would expect a wark environment
to differ±CoM educational
b When you start yom first job, you may find that
you are not used .. .....the way that
yom colleagues behave.
c You may not understand what people are talking

d You may have to ask a lot of questioDS, and worry
that other people can't rely..
e Or you may find it difficult at first to cap e
..the demands yom job places
on you.

f But there is no reason to suffer ..
feelings of anxiety.
g You have to concentrate .. ....learning
the job, and understanding the people around
h Don't worry that people are laughing, ar making fun of you because
you are new to the job.
You'll soon learn to deal .. ...everyday
problems, and gain in confidence.
Don't be afraid to ask for advice, and you'll
soon be congratulating yomself ..
your success.

2 Rewrite each sentence 50 that it begins as shown and contains an adjective and preposition.

a You really annoy me sometimes.
Sometimes I'm r~a.Il'da.MQ'de,d ..wilh'dQ4,.
b The things we saw on the news shocked us all.
We we re all ..
c 1'm sorry but I lost yom magazine.
I'm sorry far ....
d Who caused the accident?
Who was ..
e I don't really like horror films.
I'm not ..
f Football and rugby are not the same.
Football is ..
g Are Madonna and Guy Ritchie married?
Is Madonna ..
h Does playing computer games interest you?
Are you ..
I find doing the same things every day baring.
I'm ..
Going to the top of high buildings makes same people afraid.
Same people are ..
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