Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
3 Rewrite the sentence sa the word underlined is in a different place.
a Don't forget to give yom homework in at the end of the lesson.
....Ooa1l ..±orqe+ ..lo ..qivc, ..ia ..tjouc.hOMC,Work..?1l ..lhc, ..ul,d ..o±.lkc, ..Ic,SSoVl,.....
b The maths teacher has put off the test until Friday.

c l'lI come round and pick 1112the letter tomorrow.

d Make sme you look every new word 1ll2.

e Remember to tum oft the TV when you go to bed.

f Don't worry, we'lI sort the travel arrangements out next week.

g Please fill in the form as carefulIy as you can.

h The bus drops oft passengers right outside the hotel.

You have let down the whole class, and l'm very disappointed.

An elderly couple brought the children 1112after their parents died.

4 Complete the text wit h the appropriate phrasal verbs fram page 168.


Once upon a time, a man had to a c?1ITtjoul
some work in another village.The work
was difficult and there were many problems to
b. He was tired and was
c a cold, so he decided to
d finishing the work until the
next day. It was late by the time he left and he had
to walk home over the mountains. Soon it started

~Jayanese :fo(kta(e

to get dark but luckily he e
a tree where he could sleep. He was woken up in
the middle of the night by strange noises. He couldn't f what was going on, so he decided
to get up and g the situation. He was surprised and scared when he sawa group of elves
singing and dancing around his tree, but they were having so much fun that he wanted to h
The elves liked him and asked him to return, and as a guarantee they took the wart on his forehead.The man
left feeling very happy because he didn't want his wart anyway. On his way home, he i one
of his neighbours, who also had a big wart on his forehead. He told the neighbour his story, and the neighbour
decided he would go that night, and hopefully the elves would take his wart too.The next night the neighbour
went to the tree and found the elves.They thought he was the man from the night before and gave him bacl< his

wart! Now he had two warts instead of one, and went home feeling veryj r~J\Y

G \5~ ..!!IIi

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