Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
3 Use the words to make one sentence containing the words in brackets. You may have to
change the order.

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CI WoY"R. OlA.t VtOWLovvg!j0lA.'Vegot to l'Y"el'ClY"eClvvd tVtevv d~v~de tVte t~VV1-e~vvtoSVtoY"tVV1-ClvvClgeClbLesect~ovvs.
YOlA. vveed CIscVtedlA.Le. (so)
YQ~..VlececJ..tA. ..s(:hecJ~lecJ..SQ..~Qrk ..Q~l ..hQ~...lpVlq ..tjQ~l\lec..qQl ..lp. precpgrec tlvtd lke-vt
JiviJec ..lhec ...liJt:tec ../VllQ ..$kqrl ..~tA.VlgqecgQlec ..$ecc:liQvt$ ...
b Y0lA.Y"~SR.Los~vvg VV1-ot~VClt~ovv~f!jOlA.fCl~Lto Y"eClcVttVteVV1-.Dovv't set lA.vvY"eClL~st~cgOClLs. (CiS)

c MClR.e SlA.Y"e!j0lA.Y"gOClLs foLLowtVteSMART s!jsteVV1-.TVtese ClY"etVtebest t!jl'es 0fgOClLs. (s~vvce)

d s =sl'ec~fl.c TY"!j to beveY"!j l'Y"ec~seClbolA.tWVtClt!jOlA. WClvvt toClcVt~eve. TVt~s w~LL g~ve !jOlA.CIdefl.vv~te tClY"get,
eg I w~LLY"eCldtVtY"eel'Clges 0f Vt~stoY"!jbefoY"eb.OO.(

e M =MeClslA.Y"ClbLeY0lA.CClvv VV1-eClSlA.Y"eWVtClt!jOlA.VtClve ClcVt~eved. AsR. SOVV1-eovvetotest !jOlA. ovvWVtClt!jOlA.
VtClve stlA.d~ed. (so)

f A =AcVt~evClbLe If!jOlA.set !j0lA.Y"seLftoo VV1-lA.cVt,!jOlA. wovv't beClbLeto do~t.Y0lA.VtClveto beVtovvest w~tVt
!j0lA.Y"seLfClbolA.tWVtClt!jOlA.CClvvClCVt~eve. (

g R =R.ewClY"ds Ci~ve !j0lA.Y"seLf CIY"ewClY"dwVtevv !jOlA.ClcVt~eve!j0lA.Y"tClY"get. TVt~s w~LLVV1-ClR.e!jOlA.feeLgood! (CIS)

Vt T=nVV1-e Ci~ve !j0lA.Y"seLf CIdeCldL~vve. Y0lA. vveed tofeeLSOVV1-el'Y"esslA.Y"e~f!jOlA. wClvvt to woY"R.weLL. (s~vvce)

4 Complete the sentence with however, even though, orwhile. More than one answer may
be possible.
e New fields have been found under the sea,
it is harder to extract the oH in

this problem.
g the demand for oil is rising
aU over the world, oH is a non-renewable
resource, so supplies will eventuaUy run out.
h this is an obvious fact, there is
still disagreement as to how long oH supplies


a Oil is an import ant part of the glob al
economy.JJot<le-ve-r, is becoming more
expensive aU the time.
b Some large industrial countries, such as the
USA and Russia, produce their own oil,
most European countries have
to import their oil.
c And in 2001 the USA, for
example, produced 181 million barrels of
oH, it still imported 273 million barrels from
other countries.
d many countries produce large
amounts of oH, exploration must continue to
find new oil fields.


these places.
, new technology may solve
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