Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
3 Rewrite each pair of sentences as one new sentence, using the preposition underlined
folIowed bywhich.
a There are a number of trees and plants. Rubber is taken from them. ..a ..Vlw:1Abe..r..o+ ..lre..e..s ..aVld..plaVlls ..+roM ...whidl.rubbe..r ..lake..Vl ....
b The Para rubber tree is the major commercial source. Rubber is extracted from it.

c Brazil is the country. Rubber originates from there.

d Ancient Central American cultures collected rubber. They made balls from it.

e The Mayas mad e temporary shoes by using a rubber mixture. They dipped their feet into it.

f The people in Brazil used a mixture of rubber. They made waterproof clothes from it.

g In England people noticed it was a substance. You could rub out marks wit h it.

h This was the origin of the name. English people called itb}'this name.

4 Underline the correct option.

Easter Island, awhichis /whichit is in the Pacific
Ocean more than 3,000 km from the coast of South
America, has a terrible lesson to teach the modern
world. When the first Europeans visited it in 1722,
they found an island short of food on bwhich /
which areabout 3,000 people were living in a state
of constant war. The Europeans were surprised to
find a large number of huge statues, cwhich/which
theyhad been moved over great distances, and d to
which/whichclearly belonged to a great civilization.
The people ewhose/ -they found on the island,
however, were poor and backward. The Europeans
supposed that these people could not have built such
large statues, fwhich/whichitmeant that some other
mysterious people must have done so. However,
modern research has shown that the inhabitants
of Easter Island were responsible for the terrible
condition gin which/ - the Europeans had found

them in. The inhabitants were divided into many
family groups, hwhich/which theycompeted with
each other. Their religion involved building huge
statues, iwhich/whoseconsumed time and resources.
Their home was a volcanic island oniwhere/which
few trees grew, and I<which/whichitproduced little
food. To make matters worse, to build statues they
cut down trees, Iwhich/whichitcaused soil erosion.
By the middle of the 16th century, the population
had reached about 7,000, mwhich/which wasto~
great for the island to support. By this time there
we re no more trees, nwhich/which theythe islanders
needed to build boats. There was not enough food
owhich/with which to feed such a large population,
and they we re unable to leave, so the population felI.
By the end of the 19th cen tury, there were only a
hundred or so inhabitants remaining.


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