Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

6 Rewrite the sentence sa that it begins as shown, making any necessary changes.

a More than half a mi1lion peop1e visit the famous caves in Han-sur-Leses every year.
Because of./+s"sj..l:Y\.ore,..lhtJ.VI. .htJ.I±.a..I:Y\./ ..visil ..HtJ.VI.-::suc-::Le,;l ..t;
b Most of the caves are too dangerous for visitors to enter as there are falling rocks.
As a resu1t ..
c The river's disappearance beneath a hill led ancient peop1e to throw objects into the water.
Because of .....
d The beauty of its unexp10red cave system made it a challenge to cavers for many years.
Because of ...
e Its disappearance under the rocks made the course of the river through the cave unknown.
As a result of ...
f The ice-co1d water meant that many exp10rers of the cave system 10st their lives.
As a resu1t .....
g The importance of the caves, however, means that they are open to scientific researchers.
However, because of .....
h And the course of the river has now been traced thanks to re cent exp1orations.
And as a result of ...

7 Complete the text with one suitable word in each space.


Most people now have a home computer, aSo they can
shop online or download musie or send and reeeive e-mails. Many
others, who find eommuting to work 50 stressful b they
ean't stand it, use a computer to work from home. A eomputer is
also useful c playing musie, arstoring photos, anda
hundred and one other things. d... of its usefulness, the
eomputer has changed aur lives. In faet, it's e useful that many of us wonder how on earth
we managed before it was invented. It isL an essential part of everyday life, that we run
the risk of forgetting the disadvantages of the electronie lifestyle. It's g... easy for us to send
an e-mail instead of a letter. Shopping online is h .. convenient i we can forget
the thousands of delivery vans which have to bring the things we buy to our homes. Soon the raads
will bej crowded with delivery vans, that we won't be able to travel anywhere! And aren't
shops good places for buying things? Perhaps we need time k get away fram the eomputer
and realize that it might be better to read a book or go for a walk. This is I an obvious fact
that I ean't understand why I didn't think of it before, but I have been looking at a great web site which
explains everything!

1 Write examples for each of these words and phrases.
togo shapping sa that for too big sa heavy
2 Check that you have the correct answers to Exercise 7. Translate the text into your own language.
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