Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Score: /16

Score: /6

Unit 10 future time





wash up







Scientists have given us some very good advice about a.e,eliaq H.healthily, but how many of us do what
they say? We are used to b fast food and chocolate, and don't have the time to spend c ..H
.. , d.H ••••••• and e all the time. If you wantf......................... ...weight
there are lots of diets you can try, and you should also try g as much as possible. Healthy food
means h... lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, and if you are interested ini... ,a
day ofi... new recipes. However, if you are bored by k... ,and dislike I ..
.. to the supermarket, it's going to be difficultm.. ....healthily.You might be lucky and have
someone who doesn't mind n.. .H ••food for you. If this is true, then you should offer oH
.. the washing up, or they may stop p... for you!

Camplete the dialague with will, be going to, shall.

a 'Whatace, youqoiltqlo do this evening?'
b 'I'm not sure. My brotherHHH go to a basketball match. He bought the tickets yesterday. But I don't
like basketball very much.What about you?'
c 'I don't have any plans. My parents ... go to the theatre, but I think that's really boring.
...we do something together?'
d That's a good idea. Do you like action films? I HHHHHHHHH borrowa DVD from my brother if you want to
watch one.'
e 'No thanks, I saw a film yesterday. I know! Marie ....H go ice skating........H I phone her
and ask if we can go?'
f 'Great. I .... get my skates.'

Unit 15-ingform

Camplete the text with the to-infinitive ar-ingform of the verbs in the box.

Unit 13 tag questions

Camplete the questians with a pasitive ar negative past simple tag.

a Before the French Revolution, the king did whatever he wanted to do,dicia>the,H?
b All the peaple paid high taxes, sa they weren't very happy, ...?
c The people didn't have enough to eat, H H.H?
d The government tried to introduce new taxes, ... H.HHHHHHHH?
e The people formed a National Assembly, H?
f The Assembly took power from the king, ....?
g The king tried to leave France, ...HH.?
h The government executed thousands af aristocrats, ...?
It also killed the king and the queen,.?
Napoleon Bonaparte took over the government and later became Emperor,... ....7
Score: /10
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