Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Unit 30 articles (2)

Complete the following text with a /an, thear leave blank for zero article.

Cairo is a lh& capital city of b ... Egypt. It has c ..
long and interesting history, and is still one of d ... .. most
exciting e places to visit. The ancient Egyptians are most
famous for building the pyramids, but their civilization achieved
many other great things. They hadf writing in the form of
hieroglyphics, which decorate g .. tombs and monuments
of their pharaohs, and they produced beautiful stone and metal
objects which can be seen in h.. ... Egyptian Museum. Pictures
in the tombs at Giza and Saqqara show how the ancient Egyptians
lived, the c10thes they wore, andi.. ....gods they worshipped.
j ..visit to Cairo isn't complete without k.. .....tri p to
I .... big bazaar Khan Al Khalili,where you can buy everything
from m.... belly dancing costumes to dates, beautiful silver and
gold jewellery and papyrus pictures of camels and pyramids.You can
even have your name written in n .. .. hieroglyphics!

Unit 35 adjectives
1 Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct order.

a In the vase is a bun ch of.......b&?luli:ful)SM?lHwhil&
(white, beautiful, small)
b It's a
(medieval, round, large)
c This is a / an
(German, interesting, new)
d This was painted by a
(renaissance, French, famous)
e The painting consists of rows of
(green, plastic, tiny)
f We bought a / an ..
(glass, Italian, small)
g At the end of the room was a / an ...
(old, Spanish, large)
h Hanging from the arms were a number of ...
(metal, shiny, circular)
The painting is protected by a.
(transparent, large, plastic)
The sculpture was bought by a / an
(American, young, wealthy)

Score: /14






. ....painting.




Score: /10
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