Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
c In 1487, Bartolemeu Dias and his ships reached the Indian Ocean. This was a great achievement for
the time.

d In 150AD,the Greek geographer Ptolemy made a mapotthe world showing twa lakes in Africa as the
sources of the Nile. This was remarkabIe, considering that modem European expIorers did not discover
these Iakes until the 1860s.

e Nobody thought that Marco Polo's book about China was true. This was not surprising because some
parts of his story were sa unbelievabIe.

f Archaeologists have found the remains of a Viking settlement in North America. This proves that the
Vikings were the first Europeans to reach America.

Score: /6

Unit 48 purpose and result

Read the following information about tennis, then write similar sentences for the other sports.

You need aracket, abali andanet for playing tennis.
To play tennis, you needaracket,abali andanet.
You needaracket, abali and netsathat you can play tennis.

a football: balI, twa teams, goal postsYouHn.e.e.debell,lwole.?v\:\sH.enJqoeLposls.focplel1inqH
loolbeIL ..To.Hpl.el::l.Joolbell, ..e ...beU,lwo.le.eMs ...enJ ..qoeL.posls, ..e ..beU,..lwo ....
b baseball: bats, hard balI, twa teams ...

c ping pong: balI, table, smalI bats ..

d ice hockey: puck, ice rink, ice skates

e polo:balI, horses, mallets ...

Score: /5
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