Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Factual answers

Unit 1
Ex 6
a yes babout 80% c yes, tiny hairs caUed microvilli d about 2m'
e yes fabout a minute g puU- they can't push h vitamin A
iabout 25,000.
Unit 3
Ex 2
AU true except: d the army went as far as India;
f Caligula meant 'Little Boot'; h girls married at 14.
Ex 3
True: b and h.
Unit 5
Ex 6
a no b 438 days continuously in 1995 c no d no, only in films e
Yes, the first heart transplant took place in 1967 fNo - they can't
even agree about where it was g No - though some have taught
animals to communicate using signs etc.
Unit 12
aB bA cA dB eC fC gC hA iB jB
Ex 5
OBWLLLLANTYSlLIOGOGOGOH is according to one source the
longest place nam e in the world, with 58 letters. It is a town in
North Wales meaning 'St Mary's Church in the hollow of the white
hazel near to the rapid whirlpool of Llantysilio of the red cave'
Ol' 'St Mary's (Church) by the white aspen over the whirlpool,
and St Tysilio's (Church) by the red cave' in Welsh. Local people
apparently invented the nam e for the railway station in order to
encourage tomism.
WHENUAKITANATAHUis the name of a hill in Southern Hawke's Bay
in New Zealand. Taumata was a Maori chief, and the word apparently
means 'The summit of the hill, where Taumata, who is known as the
land eater, slid down, climbed up and swaUowed mountains, and
played on his nose flute to his loved one.'

Unit 18
Ex 3
ProbabIe answers: a B b C c A d C e AfB
Unit 22
Ex 5
Things you should do: a, b, c, d,f.You shouldn't do e Ol' g - they
are dangerous. You shouldn't do h - they might need medical
Unit 31
Ex 1
a very little b no! c yes, the duck-billed platypus d yes, although
the atmosphere may not be the same as that on Earth e yes, the
walking catfish, though it reaUy wriggles its way on land fabout
40 species, penguins for example g no h no, though some apes
can be taught to communicate using sign language ino - this
would mean that there had once been sea-creatures living in
oceans, and forests j this wouldn't be impossible, but they haven't
yet been found.
Ex 2
a False - there are cars that use various kinds of gas, Ol' a!cohol

  • but not water. b False - a group of animals in the Pacific region

caUed Monotremata lay eggs, and feed their young like mammals.
They are the duck-billed platypus and the echidna. c True - they
only live in the Arctic. dNobody reaUy knows, but they haven't
got in touch with us yet. e No active ones, but plenty of extinct
ones. fFalse - it rains occasionally.
Unit 32
Ex 1
a about 1,500 b nearly 21%of the air is made up of oxygen c over
15,000 species, and rising d over 500 million cubic kilometres, by
some estimates e ten main types, and up to 25 or more in aU
fnormaUy 32 g approximately 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
kg h about 80 million barrels by some estimates.
Unit 33
Ex 1
a AU birds have feathers. b Most animals eat plan ts. c No
mammals have green or blue hair. d AlI reptiles are cold-blooded.
e Most mammals give birth to live young. fNo mammals can
reaUy fly, except for bats. g Most animals are colom-blind. h AU
birds lay eggs. iThere are no reptiles in the Arctic Ol' Antarctic.
j Most birds are able to fly.
Ex 5
a Alexander conquered most of the Middle East and parts of Asia,
Napoleon conquered most of western and central Europe.
b Alexander died in Babylon, Napoleon on the island of St Helena.
c Alexander's generals took over his empire, Napoleon los t power
completely, and the French monarchy returned. d Alexander
couldn't conquer aU of India, and Napoleon was forced to leave
Russia. e Alexander in 331 BC, Napoleon in 1798. fAlexander is
supposed to have won aU his battles, Napoleon lost the Battle of
Waterloo. g Alexander to India, Napoleon to Russia. h Alexander
three ol' more times, Napoleon twice, each had several children.
i Alexander died aged about 33, Napoleon about 52. j Alexander
by his generals, Napoleon by the British, but both are doubtful.
Alexander probably died from malaria Ol' an infected wound, and
Napoleon from stornach cancer.
Unit 38
a more easily b more quickly c mor e quietly d faster
e more carefuUy fmore loudly g more heavily h more clearly
iearlier jmore slowly
False:c, e andi.The others, believe it or not, are aU true.
Unit 40
Ex 1
a French, British and German forces and their aUies signed an
agreement to stop fighting. b Nazi planes bombed the Spanish
town of Guernica in the first terror air raid against civilians. Over
1,600 were killed, and the event inspired Picasso's painting. c The
execution by guillotine of the French king Louis XVI. d President
Lincoln of the USA was shot at Ford's Theatre. He died the next
day. e Mickey Mouse appeared in his first cartoon, 5teamboat
Willie. fNeil Armstrong became the first human being to step
onto the Moon. g Orville Wright flew a powered aeroplan e for
12 seconds - usuaUy recognized as the first flight. h The first
atomic bomb was exploded in New Mexico, USA.iThe Beatles
recorded Please Please Me,their first Number One hit single. jThe
earthquake that caused the Asian tsunami to ok place in the Indian
Ocean. About 300,000 people would die as a result.
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