Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


d believe
h have

b took c drank d went e made
h got ipaid j knew

a isn't going b isn't heading far c isn't sending
d isn't working e aren't receiving faren't pointing
g aren't producing hisn't responding iaren't having
jaren't giving up

Ex 7
a knows, are disappearing b cover, contain c remove,
produce d are they vanishing e agree fis changing
g are cutting down, causing h is happening iare
burning, using junderstand, are beginning

Ex 6
a means b doesn't stay c is growing
e is falling fis happening g is rising
idie j look after

Ex 3
a am speaking b is visiting c am stand ing
d looking e are climbing fare wearing g is standing
by his rising iare setting jare trying k is going on
Iis happening mis shaking n are climbing
o are shouting

Ex 5
a Is the weather in yom country changing? b Is it
growing warrner or colder? c Are storms happening
more often? d Is less snow falling in winter?
e Is summer getting hotter? fAre the changes
becoming a problem? g Are people worrying about
this? h Are they doing anything to help?

a wore

Unit 3
Ex 1
a developed b left c believed, wanted d arrived
e built fplanted, warked, improved g arrived,
thought h saw, decided ikilled, defeated, destroyed

Ex 2

Ex 3
a Alexander the Great didn't marry Cleopatra.
b Nelson Mandela didn't become President of South
Africa in 1994. c Leonardo da Vinci didn't invent the
Internet. d Confucius the Chinese philosopher died
in 1900Be. e Marco Polo didn't stay in China for five
years. fThe ancient Romans didn't use steam engines
in their battles. g Genghis Khan didn't invade Italy
and capture Rome. h Christopher Columbus didn't

e stand fkeeps
k keep I sleeps
q feed

c Do, have
fdo es, take
ido, breathe

a live b provides c dive d hold
g breeds h lays ireturn j stands
meats n hatches o comes p finds
r spends s retmns tlook after

Ex 6
a Do, stop b does, contain
d does, cover e Does, gro:w
g Do, pull h does, produce

Ex 7
a does, do b prevents c doesn't allow d catch
e push fdestroy g Do, help h use idon't work
j don't give k does, wark I start s mdoesn't get
n com e o destroy

Ex 3
a leaves, isn't b loves, don't interest c don't study, is
d don't dance, look e doesn't go, goes fdoes, doesn't
crash g doesn't have, has h needs, doesn't burn
idoesn't own, are jlive, don't eat

Ex 2
a don 't do b doesn't play, doesn't like c don't think
d don't wark e doesn't agree fdon 't want
g doesn't drive haren't idon't stay jdoesn't sin g

Unit 1
Ex 1
a drive, cycles b rises, sets c travels d costs
e meets freads g understand hstart s igive j like

Ex 5
a don't get on b doesn't love Cdoesn't know
d doesn't allow e doesn't agree fdoesn't fargive
g don't understand h doesn't care idoesn't see
j don't realize

Answer key

Unit 2
Ex 1
a are leaving b is rising, are using c is studying, is
studying d are standing e are staying fam going
g is chasing h is becoming iare training
j is listening

Ex 2
a do not understand b is it getting c don't agree
d reaches e lasts fare still searching g Are they
looking h doesn't seem iconsists j has
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