Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
a in b by c on d of e for fat g of h in
iof jbetween

Ex 3
a to do b getting (to take d shopping
e to think fto remember g writing h paying

Ex 6
Suggested answers:a sony b decided
c encouraged d let e aUow fmanaged
g supposed h careful ifailed jlearned
k trying !refused mprepared 11 threatened
o forced

d involves e keep
igo jconsider

95 h7

Unit 15
Ex 1
a can't help b avoid c enjoy
fsuggest g means h feellike

Ex 5
a It's difficult to learn how to live in space.
b It isn't easy to eat in weightless conditions.
c It's difficult to take enough exercise. d It's very
important for astronauts to be in good health.
e It's difficult to imagine what astronauts have to do.
fIt's impossible to live a completely normaI
life in space. g It's never boring going into space.
h Most astronauts feel happy to return to Earth.

Ex 5
a Are you interested in fossil-coUecting? b Does it
involve walking long distances? c I keep finding
rocks that aren't reaUy fossils. d When you look
for fossils on a cliff, you risk falling. e I can't help
thinking this is the wrong place to look for fossils.
fGoing on the club trip means getting up early.
g I didn't remember to bring my hammer. h I feel
like sitting down and having a rest! iI am good at
finding fossils. jIt's not worth taking up a hobby
unless you're serious about it.

Ex 2
a6 b2 e8 d4 e3 fI

Ex 6
a CoUecting fossils can be very relaxing. b Giving
up smoking can be very difficult. c Doing an exam
without revising isn't a good idea. d Learning a
new sport is fun. e Learning a foreign language
takes lots of hard work. fSeeing my favourite band
play live was very exciting. g Living on Mars will
never be possible. h Writing the report took a long
time. iWalking up this mountain is so tiring! j
Driving without a licence is illegal.

Unit 14
Ex 1
In India aU children are supposed to go to school
between the ages of six and 14. In fact in the coun-
tryside it is very difficult for young children to get
an education because the government has failed to
build enough schools, and also because transport
is difficult, and children need to take the bus to get
to school. There are few buses so most children go
on foot. On top of aU these problems, many par-
ents never went to school themselves, so they don 't
expect their children to go. Many parents are also so
poor that they don't let their children gQ to school,
but prefer to send them to work instead, because
they need the money. Children from richer families,
on the other hand, often live near good schools, and
their parents encourage them to pass their exams so
that they can get good jobs.

Ex 3
a The ancient Spartans made girls practise running,
wrestling and throwing javelins. b The ancient
Spartans did not let a baby live if it was not fit
and strong. c The ancient Spartans made young
children fight each other to make them tough.
d The ancient Spartans didn't let people take a lot of
baths. e The ancient Spartans made the children
sleep on rushes, a kind of grass. fThe ancient
Spartans didn't let people eat a lot of food. g The
ancient Spartans made aU the boys join the army.
h The ancient Spartans didn't let boys cry when they

a Francisco Pizano decided to return to South
America in 1532. b He hoped to conquer the Incas.
c He also expected to become rich. d When he
reached the Inca city of Cajamarca, he pretended to
be a friend. e He threatened to kill his prisoner, the
Emperor Atahualpa, unless the people brought him
their gold and silver. fBut he did not intend to let
the Emperor go free. g He aimed to make sure that
the Incas had no leader. h He promised to set the
Emperor free, but killed him. iPizarro also killed
his friend Almagro, who refused to obey his orders.
jAlmagro's friends managed to kill Pizano three
years later.

Ex 2
Suggested answers:a hope to b manage to
c decide to d learn how to e prefer to
f long to g need to h aim to ifail to jtry to

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