Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Ex 7

a were b would spend c stays d do not re alize
e go fswim g remained h would die ihad
been jwould have seen k continue I will become


a I wish I knew the answer to this problem. b I wish I
had a calculator. c I wish I understood the problem.
d I wish my teacher explained things to me. e I wish
I was / were in a different class. fI wish I did French
instead. g I wish I lived in France. h I wish I didn't
have to do my homewark.

Ex 5

a I wish I hadn't met him. b I wish I'd stayed at home.
c I wish I hadn't decided to go to a wizard school. d I
wish I had stayed in China. e I wish I hadn't sat under
an apple tree. fI wish I hadn't run away with him. g
I wish I hadn't made him.
h I wish I had put some clothes on.

Ex 2
a As a first step, a computer is used to plan the exact
shape of the car. b Then this computer programme is
fed into a machine and a plastic prototyp e is produced.
c The actual toy cars are produced in a factary abroad.
d The bodies are made from plastic. e SmalI electric
motars are added to the cars, and they are painted.
Licence plates are also attached. fAt the next stage,
the cars are inspected, then they are wrapped and
packed into cardboard boxes. g FinalIy, the cars are
shipped to Britain.

Ex 3
a have be en made b has been advertised c will be
constructed d will be taken e will be powered
fwill be carried g will be provided h will be used
ihas not be en built jhas be en criticized

Ex 5
a have be en redeveloped b has / have be en
transfarmed c had been built d had been lost
e had been closed fhas been spent g have been
improved h have been built ihave been created
jhave be en constructed k have been planted I have
been created mhave been opened n have been
dane o has been given

a The global expansion in tourism has be en made
possible by cheapel' air travel. b A growth in tourism
has been experienced by countries alI ave l' the world.
c The popular Mediterranean resorts have been visited
by millions of tourists since the 1970s. d Recently
more distant locations in Africa, Asia and South
America have be en chosen by tourists. e Same
countries have been badly affected by mass tourism.
fLarge hoteIs have been built on unspoilt coastline by
international companies. g Local wildlife has been
disturbed by these developments. h Caral reefs and
other habitats have been damaged by tourists. iLocal
people have also be en displaced by such developments.
jThe idea of ecotourism has been developed by same
governments to counteract same of these problems.

a Ships with sails were built more than 5,000 years
ago. b A hot-air balIoon was constructed in 1783.
c The steam ship was developed in the 19th century.
d The first successful passenger railway was opened in

  1. e The first passenger airlines were started after
    the First World War.

d we re used
h we re

Unit 20
Ex 1
a we re lit b was invented c we re shown
e was designed fwas made g were sold
replaced iwas written jwe re introduced

Ex 3
Suggested answers:a If the Trojans hadn't taken the
wooden harse into Troy, the Greeks would not have
captured the city. b If the Greeks hadn't won the battle
of Marathon, Darius and his army wouldn't have gone
home. elf ]ulius Caesar hadn't made the decision
to cross the River Rubicon, he wouldn't have become
leader of the Roman state. d If IsabelIa hadn't married
Ferdinand, Spain wouldn't have become one of the
most powerful countries in Europe. e If Harold's army
hadn't been tired, William wouldn't have become king
of England.

Ex 6

a I wish you'd hand your wark in on time! b I wish
you wouldn't make sa many mistakes! c I wish you
wouldn't drop litter on the floar! d I wish you would
payattention! e I wish you wouldn't talk during the
test! fI wish you would listen to what I'm saying!
g I wish you wouldn't interrupt people! h I wish you
wouldn't throw things across the room! iI wish you
would behavel jI wish you would make less noise /
wouldn't make sa much noise!

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