Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Ex 2
a If you go near the edge, you could falI.
b If you hadn't rescued me, I might have drowned.
c If somebody had seen Tom come in late, he could
have got into trouble. d If you run a bit faster, you
might win the race. e If Maria's explanation had
been detailed, we might have believed hero f If you
lift such heavy weights, you could hurt yourself.
g If you don 't put your wallet in your pocket,
somebody could steal it. h If you had dropped the
plates, you could have broken them. iIf you phone
him, he might still be at home. jIf United had
scored an early goal, they might have won.

Ex 3
a The Ancient Egyptians might have crossed the
Atlantic. b The Egyptians could have had traded
with America more than 3,000 years ago. c Traces
of tobacco have been found in Egyptian mummies
and this may have come from Central America.
d The discovery of silk in mummies also suggests
that the Egyptians could have traded with China.
e And because there are pyramids in Central
America, the Mayas might have got the idea for
building pyramids from Egypt. f On the other
hand, as Egyptian pyramids and Mayan pyramids
are so different, the two civilizations may have had
similar ideas. g There has even been a claim that
it was aliens from another planet who might have
built the Mayan pyramids. h According to this
theory, the aliens could have used the pyramids as
landing place s for their flying saucers.

Ex 4
a The local people must have been shocked when
they saw the Spanish armies. b They can't have
known where the Spanish came from. c They must
have soon realized that they we re enemies. d They
can't have be en aware of the invaders' intentions.
e They must have wondered whether they were
gods. f The Spanish can't have expected to beat the
local people so easily.
g They must have thought they would be killed. h
They can't have realized what the 1ncas we re like i
The local people must have given up when faced by
horses and guns. jThe Spanish can't have expected
to find so much gold.

Ex 5
a If the Trojans hadn't taken the wooden horse into
Troy, they might / could have won the war.
b If Alexander the Great hadn't died at an early age,
he might / could have conquered the whole world.
c If the Romans hadn't spent a lot of time fighting
among themselves, their empire might / could have
lasted longer. d If the medieval Europeans had
known that America existed, they might / could

have gone there sooner. e If the Aztecs hadn't
thought the Spanish used magic powers, they might
/ could have beaten them. f If the Spanish had
succeeded in invading Britain in 1588, they might
/could have then conquered all of Europe.

Ex 6
Suggested answers: a The Mayan ruling class might
have died out because rulers did not work.
b Farmers might have be en unable to grow enough
food to support large populations in cities. c A
naturai disaster, such as an earthquake, might have
occurred. d Another Mexican people might have
conquered the Mayas. e There might have be en
a revolution. fAn epidemic of some kind might
have caused the disappearance of the Mayas.
g The Mayan cities might have suffered from an
environmental disaster. h The people rnight have
abandoned their cities because their priests told
them to do it.

Unit 26
Ex 1
a May I b Could you c Would you mind taking
d Shall I e I wouldn't leave f I don't think you
should spend g Do you think you could explain
h Why don't you ask i Would you like j Can you

Ex 2
aB bC cC dA eB f C gA hA iB jC

Ex 3
a Shall b could c were d mind e about f Can
/ Could / May g if h wouldn't i let's jshould

a 9 b 5 c 7 d 10 e 1 f 4 g 8 h 6 i 3 j 2

Ex 5
aIs it all right if I keep my coat on? b Shall I
give out the books? c I think you should buy a
dictionary. d Do / Would you min d sharing with
Mary? e How about playing volley balI for a
change? f I won't forget my homework. g Do you
think you could explain / Do you min d explaining
what this means? h If I were you, I'd read it again.
i May Ileave the room? j I don't think you should
touch that.

Ex 6
a Would you like to go to lunch now? b Do you
think you could collect in the homework, please?
c Why don't we have another look at the table on
page 218? d If I were you, I'd revise all of Unit 6.
e Shall I explain it again? f Can you stay behind
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