Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Ex 5
a is b are c is d are e are fis g are h is

for a moment? g Is it all right if I sit near the front? h
How about looking for the information on the Internet?

Extension Activity
l a desk lamp, a door handle, a water jug, an exercise
book, the front door, a computer room

Unit 28
Ex 1A
a It opens bottles. b It sharpens pencils. c It makes
coffee. d It mows lawns. e It washes dishes.

Ex 18
fa watch strap g a keyhole h a tennis racket
ia street light j a library book

Ex 2

a room temperature b exhaust fumes c mineral salts
d food chemicals e future generations fheart disease
g salt solution h air pollution iclimate change
jelectricity bill

Ex 6
David Copperfield, the novel by Charles Dickens, is
a story of one boy's struggle after losing his parents.
David's father dies when he is young, and his mother
remarries. His stepfather, Mr Murdstone, treats David
unkindly, and he can only find happiness with the
Peggoty family, his nurse's relatives. At school, at first he
is unhappy but then wins his friends' respect. However,
when his mother dies, his stepfather sends him to work
in a factory in London, where the other boys make fun
of him. David runs away and walks to his aunt's house
in Dover. Here he grows up happily, goes to school
and becomes a clerk in a lawyer's office in London. He
falls in love with Dora, his employer's daughter, and
when his aunt's money is los t in a bad investment, he
works writing reports of parliament for the newspapers.
Many parts of the story follow the events of Dickens'!
Dickens's own life.

Ex 3
a temperature of the air b the formation of rain and
snow c the temperature of the clouds d droplets of
water e size of the droplets fcurrents of air
g drops of rain h crystals of ice iflakes of snow

Ex 5
a shop window b bus ticket c front door key
d bicycle chain e telephone directory fglasses case
g computer engineer h bookshelf ialarm bell
jschool bus

a mountain range b desert areas c sea levels d export
income e wool exporter fbeef farm ing g irrigation
systems h mineral resources iexport earnings
jbusiness district

c wood d hair e advice firon
iknowledge jinformation

c A C d The temperature / temperatures,
e Air, gases flights

b thanks c person d knives e stairs
g belongings h mouse iaircraft

b travel
h wines

Unit 27
Ex 1

Ex 2
a salt
g salts

a sheep

Ex 3
a The students' accommodation was of a very
high standard. b The weather has been very bad this
year. c The furniture is arriving tomorrow.
d There is a lot of / lots of rubbish at the edge of the
sports field. e The new equipment cost a lot of
money, so look after it. fThe work in the factory was
very difficult. g The scenery in this country is very
beautiful. h Most of the clothing was destroyed in the

aB bA cA dA eA fB gA hA

Ex 7
Suggested answers:a Could you tell me? b Why
don't you make / How about making notes so you don't
forget? c Can / Could you speak more slowly? d Shall
I speak more slowly? e Can you tell me what happens
next? fShall I tell you who wins? g Can you stop /
Do you min d stopping, please? h You should read the
play. / If I were you, I'd read the play. iShall we go to
the library? jLet's go now. / We could go now.

Extension Activity
2 her hair, some accommodation, some advice

Ex 6
aB bA
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