Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Unit 35

Unit 36

Ex 2
a slowly b happily e beautifulIy d badly
e realIy ftruly g incredibly h unbelievably

d adjective
h adverb

d very e very fvery

e adverb
g adverb

b very etoo
h very

Ex 6
a very
g too

Ex 7
a adjective b adverb
e adverb fadjective

a This book is less interesting than that one.
b A scooter is more expensive than a bike. c I'm

Unit 37
Ex 1
a The River Mackenzie is longer than the River
Niger. b Lake Victoria is larger than Lake Michigan.
e The Marianas Trench is deeper than the ]apan
Trench. d Mount Elbrus is higher than Mont Blanc.
e Arica, Chile is drier than the Libyan Sahara Desert.
fThe oldest rocks in Canada are older than the
oldest rocks in Scotland. g The lowest recorded
temperature in Finland is lower than the lowest
recorded temperature in Sweden. h Monaco is
smalI er than Nauru.

Ex 8
a ill b hardly e hard d badly e welI fhard
g bad h hardly

Ex 3
a worse b cleverer e larger / bigger d younger
e funnier ffurther / farther g longer h warmer /
hotter ihappier jbetter

Ex 5
a Do you usualIy take the lead in discussions?
b Do you sometimes feel unable to say anything
interesting? e Do you often change your opinion
after you hear what others say? d Do you always
listen carefulIy to what alI the others are saying?
e Do you sometimes feel that nabody is interested
in what you say? fDo you usualIy find ways of
keeping other people's attention? g Do you often
avoid saying what you really think? h Do you
always encourage other members of the gro up to

Ex 2
a more difficult than the first one b are tastier
than yours eis more expensive than staying at
home d is more modern than the Royal Hotel
e is more comfortable than this chair fmore
refreshing than milk Cis) g romantic films more
interesting than war films h wasn't as heavy as
]ack's suitcase

d wrongly
h definitely

Ex 4
a depressed b confusing c exhausting
d embarrassed e worried finteresting
g surprised h annoying iexcited jsatisfied

Ex 3
a realIy, absolutely b - e very d absolutely
e very fextremely, very g very, realIy

Ex 4
a properly b Unfortunately e easily
e usualIy fthoroughly g dreadfulIy
icarefulIy jentirely

Ex 2
a big, red London b wonderful, old Venice e vast,
stane Cairo d graceful, iron Paris e welI-known,
medieval Moscow fbusy, commercial Tokyo
g talI, modern Istanbul

Ex 1
a The boy in the painting seems to be asleep.
b The girls in this painting look alike. c I think the
person in this painting is dead. d He is awake, but
looks as if he is in a dream. e Are you afraid of this
painting? f!t's a painting of a battle and very few
soldiers are alive.

Ex 3
a I often finish sen ten ces for other people. b Other
people usualIy seem to be comfortable when they
talk to me. e When people talk to me, I sometimes
look at the floor. d If I don't like a person's voice,
I never pay attention to them. e I usualIy try to be
sympathetic when people talk about their problems.
fI always try to give people my complete attention
when they speak to me. g I rarely interrupt people
before they have finished what they are saying.
h I sometimes laugh at what people say to me, and
upset them.Poor listener:a, c, d, h

Ex 1
a adjective b adjective e adjective d adjective
e adverb fadverb g adverb h adjective
iadverb jadjective
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