Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

a to b under c over d to e outside f on g of
h above i in j in Ex 6

a for b ago
g during / in

Ex 6

aA bC eB dA eB fA gC hB iA jC

not as tall as you (are). d The first explanation is just
as unlikely as the second. e The accident was more
serious than Carol thought (it was). f My arm is lass
painful than it was.

h next

g next



f last

d in, at, in, on
h on, in, in

e to / until
j during / in

e next

e at f last

d for

d from


b until c during d By e During
h During iduring j from, to

c Since
j for


c After
h until

b ago

Ex 5
a at

d inbinc ate Atfg at / byonh at

Ex 6




a from, to / until
funtil g Until

Ex 5
a Paula didn't arrive at school until 12.30. b My library
card runs out on the last day of July. c By the time we
arrived at the cinema, the film had finished. d What
were you doing at the time of the accident? e I've be en
waiting for an hour. fDuring the night there was an
earthquake. g I waited until 4.30 and then I left.
h 1'll have finished within a week. iH's ages since I saw
George. j1'll see you in a week. / in a week's time.

Ex 2
aCan you tell me whether Jim is in? b Mary has gone
to live abroad. c Shall we go indoors now? d This
snake is red on the top but green underneath. e Wait
/ Stay outside, please. f David has gone away / is away
(on a trip). g Alan lives opposite. h Sorry, but Sue is
out at the moment.

Ex 3
a last
h ago

Unit 40
Ex 1
a in, on, at b in, on, in c in, at, on
e in, on f in, on, at g in, on, at, in
iin, on, in jin, at, on

Ex 2
a next b in
iat jIn

Ex 3

fOnbineonhinidOng ate atat
j in



a to

c tod to, onb atfg on, onone to
h to

j iniin

d most
h the best

hC iD jA

d mor e slowly
h more heavily

eB dC eD fA gB

Unit 39
Ex 1

Ex 6

a the largest b lower c the most popular
famous e wider fthe dirtiest g cleaner
i the most exciting j the least expensive

Ex 3
a harder b faster c more often
e more easily f longer g better

Ex 5
aA b C

Ex 5

a essential b easier and easier c cheaper and cheaper
d important e more up-to-date, the faster
fdifficult g cleverer and cleverer h important

Unit 38
Ex 1

a heaviest b longest c oldest d fastest e deepest
fspeediest g most ferocious h most poisonous
ilargest j smallest


a more easily b more quickly c more quietly
d faster e more carefully fmore loudly g more
heavily h more clearly i earlier j more slowly

Ex 2
a This is the most comfortable classroom 1've ever sat in.
b This is the tastiest schoollunch l've ever eaten.
c This is the worst book 1've ever read.
d This is the most useful English lesson we've ever had.
e This is the easiest problem 1've ever solved.
f This is the longest test 1've ever taken. g This is the
most difficult test I've ever written. h This is the most
entertaining school play 1've ever seen. iThis is the
most interesting textbook we've ever used. j You are
the best friend I've ever had.

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