Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
having my money back! e They blamed the fire on
Anna. / Anna was blamed for the fire. fYou remind
me of my sister. g I'm not used to getting up early
in the moming. hDonJt worrYJyou can depend
on Chris. iWhat were you two talking about? j I
prefer jazz to rap.

Ex 3
aDonJt forget to give in your homework at the end
of the lesson. b The maths teacher has put the
test off until Friday. c I'll come round and pick
the letter up tomorrow. d Make sure you look up
every new word. e Remember to tum the TV off
when you go to bed. fDonJt worry, we 'B sort out
the travel arrangements next week. g Please filI the
form in as carefully as you can. h The bus drops
passengers off right outside the hotel. iYou have
let the whole classdownJ and I'm very disappointed.
j An elderly couple brought up the children after
their parents died.

Ex 5
a The trip to the National GaBery has been put off
until next Friday. b Make sure you look up these
word s / look these words up in a dictionary.
c You can miss out Exercise 9 / miss Exercise 9 out.

Ex 2
a look b get Crun d take e stand frun
9100k h come ijoin j he ad

a carry out b sort out c getting over d put off
e came across fwork out g look into h jOin in
iran into j let down

Unit 43
Ex 1
a looked into b took after c heading for
d looked after e joined in fcame across
g running through h getting over igetting at
j running into

Ex 6
ais your bike for sale? b I'm out of practice. CIn
the end we stopped and tumed back. d Are you on
holiday here? e I thought it was Andy, but in fact
it was David. fI think you broke the windowon
purpose. 9 They told him that he was in danger of
losing his life. h The train was out of control. iI
was under the impression it was a holiday today.
j We tumed left instead of right by mistake.

Ex 2

Unit 41
Ex 1
aB bD cD dD eC fC gA hA

a by now b in time c after d now on e until
fthen g once h At j then j As soon as Ex 5
a On b on c under d for e with fon g in
Ex 3 h in iIn j from k of Iin min n after
aB bA cB dC eA fB gA hA jC jB

Ex 5

a Until b ago c Until / Before d from e until
falready g by h in j at jAt k during
Iin m later n In o afterwards p in q Since
r still


a In the end I succeeded in finding the answer.
b Martin's teacher accused him of cheating. c Our
school provides us with a free lunch. d I insist on

Unit 42
Ex 1
a from b to c about d on e with ffrom
g on h at iwith j on

Ex 2
a Sometimes I'm really annoyed with you. b We
were all shocked by the things we saw on the news.
c I'm sorry for losing your magazine. d Who was
responsible for the accident? e I'm not keen on
horror films. fFootball is different from rugby.
g Is Madonna married to Guy Ritchie? h Are you
interested in playing computer games? iI'm bored
by doing the same things every day. j Some people
are afraid / frightened of going to the top of high

Ex 3

a theory b purpose c impression d practice
e all ftrouble g control h fact iaverage j end

a They'B be back in the aftemoon. b Can you do
it at once, please? c At the end of the lesson, Helen
asked the teacher a question. d My head is still
aching. e Jan was in time for his music lesson.
fI've be en waiting since sixoJclock. g The film
began, and soon after aB the lights came on.
h Lunch isnJt ready yet, so until then weB sit in the
garden. j I haven't finished my homework yet.
j I'll finish watching TV and start my work

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