Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Unit 44
Ex 1
aA bD eB dD eC fA gD hA

a leave out b get over e are looking into d fill in
e come up with f work out g dropped him off
h has been put oH igive up jgot away with

Ex 5
a Most students searching for information look up
the details on the Internet. b Doctors say that the
unpleasant effects of the new malaria pill soon we ar off.
e The battery runs out / runs out of power completely
after about three months. d The three astronauts said
they we re looking forward to coming back down to

Unit 45
Ex 1
a According to experts, school science textbooks are not
good at teaching science. b According to their reports,
most books cover too many topics. e According to
these experts, the classroom activities in the books don 't
help students learn basic scientific ideas. d According
to one sCientist, the books are 'full of unconnected
facts'. e According to some educational experts,
students learn science more effectively when they try
to answer an everyday question. f According to these
experts, a question such as 'Why is the sky blue?' is the
kind of science question students like answering.
g According to this theory, students learn better if they
carry out project work based on this kind of question.
h However, according to many science teachers, the
school syllabus does not allow enough time for this kind
of exploration.

Ex 6
a come up against b speak out e getting along / on
with d come up with e going on f turns up g get
round to h build up ibreaks down jcatch up with

Earth. e Keep up with the latest science news with
Science Magazine. fThere is a great deal of confusion
and the authorities are still trying to sort out the
situation. g The launch of the next Mars mission has
been put oH until next Apri!.

Ex 2
a You don't have to use butter, you can use olive oil
instead. b Cooking spoils the flavour of carrots, so eat
them raw instead. c This is usually mad e with apples,
but you could try pears instead. d Fresh fish is best for
this recipe, but you can use frozen fish instead. e Try
leaving out salt, and use other spices instead. fSweets
are fattening, so eat fresh fruit instead. g You don 't
have to use cream, you can use yoghurt instead. h In
some versions of this dish, and lamb is used instead of

Ex 3
a You need a schedule , so work out how long you've
got to prepare and then divide the time into short
manageable sections. b Don't set unrealistic goals, as
you risk losing motivation if you fail to reach them
c Make sure your goals follow the SMARTsystem, since
these are the best types of goals. d Try to be very
precise about what you want to achieve, because this
will give you a definite target, eg I will read three pages
of history before 6.00. e Ask someone to test you on
what you have studied, so you can measure what you
have achieved. f You have to be honest with yourself
about what you can achieve, because if you set yourself
too much, you won't be able to do it. g Give yourself

b off e on d up e off f down gup
iup jdown

Ex 2
a I'm finding it difficult to get round to my geography
project. b I'm afraid we've come up against a rather
serious problem. c Tim thought he got away with
cheating in the exam. d Have you come up with any
good ideas yet? e The school did away with end-of-
year tests. fUnfortunately Helen went down with flu
on the first day of her holiday. g I kept up with the rest
of the class. h I'm sorry, but I really can't put up with
this terrible noise. iTom ran out of money three days
before the end of his holiday. jKate seems to get on!
along with her new teacher.

d A special team is looking into the cause of the
accident. e I will not stand for such bad language
in the classroom! f Turn oH the computer / turn the
computer oH on when you leave. g A taxi will pick you
up at 7.30. h I wish I could give up chocolates / give
chocolates up. iPlease fill in the application form /
fill the application form in. jTina hasn't got over her
illness yet.

Ex 6
a Have you ever come across this word before?
b I'm looking after the children until their mother
comes home. e Dina takes after her mother's side of
the family. d The basketball match has been put off to
next Wednesday. e Make sure you turn the lights off.
fThe police are looking into a fight outside the cinema.
g Let me run through the details of the plan just once
more. h lane found it hard to get over the death of
her pet dog. iMr Sims had to give up driving when he
reached the age of 85. jPeter promised to come and
sing in the concert, but he let us down.

Ex 3
a up
h out
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