Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

we re not adaptable enough to survive climate
change. fIf a spider's web had threads as thick as a
pencil, it would be strong enough to catch a Boeing
707 jet!

Ex 5

a Tropical rain is sometimes so heavy that it can
damage the leaves of trees.
b The bee hummingbird is so small (6.2 cm long)
that people often think it is an insect.
c]upiter's moon Europa is so cold that the ice on the
surface is probably as hard as rock.
d A camel spider is such a greedy eater that it will eat
until it cannot move.
e The Sun is so hot that the chemical elements
found on Earth exist on the Sun as gases.
fThe African Elephant is so heavy that it's only able
to move at the speed of a fast walk.

Ex 6
Suggested answers:
a Because of its caves, more than half a million
people visit Han-sur-Leses every year. b As a
result of falling rocks, most of the caves are too
dangerous for visitors to enter. c Because of the
river's disappearance beneath a hill, ancient people
threw objects into the wat er. d Because of the
beauty of its unexplored cave system, it was a
challenge to cavers for many years. e As a result
of its disappearance under the rocks, the course of
the river through the cave was unknown. fAs a
result of the ice-cold water, many explorers of the
cave system lost their lives. g However, because
of the importance of the caves, they are open to
scientific researchers. h And as a result of recent
explorations, the course of the river has now been

d didn't it
h didn't it

d had succeeded
h had

c did they
g didn't he

b had copied c saw
f had heard g was

Unit 5
a been b gone c had d eaten e waited
f bought g studied h paid ibrought jcooked
k made Iwon m written n drunk o swum
p told q read r picked s sung t run

Unit 2
a am sitting b don't know c are travelling d is
dripping e apologize fare running out g rains
h call isuppose jisn't raining k am having
Iam finding out m grow n makes o travel
p are taking q want r smells s seem t is

Unit 3
a was / were b went c had d ate e waited
fbought g studied h paid ibrought jcooked
k made Iwon m wrote n drank o swam
p told q read r picked s sang t ran

Unit 6
aB bB cA dB eA fA gB hA

Unit 7

Review Answer Key

Unit 10
a are, going to b is going to c are going to, Shall
d will eis going to, Shall fwill

a were
e used

Unit 15
Suggested answers: a eating b having c shopping
d cooking e washing up f to lose g to exercise
h eating icooking jfinding k cooking Igoing
m to eat n preparing o to do p cooking

Unit 13
a didn't he b we re they
e didn't they f didn't it
ididn't it jdidn't he

Unit 8
a has become b reached c has recorded d made
e was performing f found g tried / had tried
h started imade / had made jfelt k thought
Iwas doing / had done m believe n had been
changing o had done p needed q has been
r is thinking s has been performing t has
b that c for d Because e so fsuch g so
ithat jso k to Isuch

Ex 7
a so

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