Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Unit 35

Unit 43
aC bA cD dC eD fC gA hB iC jD


gC h UC


d very e enough
ivery jton

b too c too
h enough

c UC d UC e C

a beautiful smalI white b large round medieval
c interesting new German d famous French
renaissance e tiny green plastic fsmalI Italian
glass g large old Spanish h shiny circular metal
ilarge transparent plastic j wealthy young American
a bored b surprising c worrying d confusing
e relaxed fworried g interested h entertaining
isurprised jdistracted


Unit 45
a Human activities can upset the balance of nature.
(1) For example, when humans bum wood, coal or
petrol, sulphur and nitrogen compounds are added
to the air, and these falI in rain and cause changes to
the water of lakes and rivers so that fish die.
b These games help younger children understand
basic number concepts. Adding, subtracting, and
getting to know numbers are explained in cartoons
of everyday activities, (S) such as playing football,
getting on a bus, or go ing to the beach.
c Some energy sources are called 'non-renewable'
because in the end they will run out. (3) For
example, we cannot make oil, which was formed
millions of years ago trom the remains of ancient
sea plants and animals.
d A risk factor is anything that increases a person's
chance of getting a disease. (2) For example,
sunbathing too much is a risk factor for skin cancer
and and smoking is a risk factor for lung cancer.
e The Wild Information page tells you what you want
to know about wild animals. It includes information
about dangerous predators, (6) such as tigers,
cheetahs and great white sharks.
f Science Naw is great magazine which explores the
science behind the news,(4) su ch as why planes
crash, and why athletes shouldn't use drugs.

h Aliens might invade the Earth and might do the same
thing. iOn the other hand, things might continue as
they are! jSo it might be better not to worry so much.

Unit 36
1 a very
g very

Unit 30
a the b - c a d the e - f - g the h the
ithe jAk a I the m - n -


Unit 27
aC bC
iC jC

Unit 23
a Ancient sailors couldn't travel far because they usually
folIowe d the coastline. b Early ships were very smalI,
but they had to carry a lot of fresh food and water.
c SmalI sailing ships were unable to survive heavy storms
and very bad weather. d There was no radio, so they
could only send messages home if they met other ships.
e They didn't have accurate maps, so they had to guess
their exact position. fThey didn't have radar, so it they
needed to keep a close look-out for dangerous rocks. g
They had to be able to see the Sun or the stars in order
to navigate h There were no rescue organizations, so if
they got into trouble, they had to lo ok after themselves.

Unit 24
a A lot of terrible things might happen to the Earth.
b An object trom space might hit it. c Or a huge
volcanic eruption might change the climate.
d Hurricanes and tomadoes might spread across the
world. e Or climate change might lead to a sudden Ice
Age. fBefore that, a nuclear accident might destroy life
on Earth. g A new disease might kill nearly everyone.

Unit 20
a are produced b are made c are directed
d is spent e are watched fare made g are loved
h are shown iwas directed jwas based kwas
threatened I was released m has been enjoyed

Unit 18
1 a If weather patterns change, droughts and floods
will be more frequent. b If water becomes warrner
in the gulf of Mexico, the strength of hurricanes will
increase. c If rain falls at the wrong time, farmers
will be unable to grow their crops. d If rainfall
increases, there will be mor e soil erosion and
deserts will spread. e If glaciers vanish,'local areas
will become short of water. fIf permafrost melts
in polar regions, the landscape will change. g If
polar ice melts, sea levels will rise. h If ecosystems
change, some plants and animals will change their
habitat. iIf the GuU Stream grows weak, northem
Europe will become colder j If temperatures rise,
forest fires will become more frequent.
2 a If you melted a medium-sized iceberg, you would
have enough water to supply a big city for several
weeks. b If Amazonia was / were a country, it
would be the ninth largest in the world. c If you
put all the cells from your brain in a straight lin e,
they would reach for 1,000 km. d If you were a
sloth, you would spend 18 hours a day sleeping.
e If you had a piece of sun 2.5 cm square, it would
shine brighter than 1000 60 watt light bulbs.
fIf you had a piece of sun, it would bum you to
nothing! g If you flew a pIane to Neptune, it
would take nearly 290 years to get there. h If all
the matter in a baby became energy, it would run a
power station for a year.

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