Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
1 Complete the sentence using the verb in brackets in the present perfect continuous form.
a I'm sony to keep you waiting. I hope you (not
wait) ..i1ave..f1.llhe..e..f1.Hmailif1.q long.
b There you are! We (look for) all moming!
c I feel really tired. I (study) ..
har d lately.
d Anna has got a really good suntan. She (go) the beach a lot.

e Tom needs cheering up. He (h ave)
..a lot of problems lately.
f I haven't seen you for ages. What (you / do)
g I (work) here for the past
three years, and I really like it.
h Sam and Chris (paint)
their room, and their clothes are covered in paint!

B Archaeologists in Guatemala chave found fhave
been findinga Mayan wall painting which they
think is more than 2,000 years old.Archaeologist
William Saturno dexplored fhas been exploring
the site since 2002.

C Scientists using the Hubble Space Telescope think
they efoundfhave found two new moons circling
the planet Pluto.Astronomers fhave been lookingl
looked c10sely at Pluto since 1978 when they
gspotted fhave spotted its first moon.
The telescope hworked fhas been working for
fifteen years, andihas been producing fhas
produced more than 700,000 images of the
D Australian scientists jhave been discoveringfhave
discovered a new coral reef over 60 km long in
theGulf of Carpentaria by using satellites to spot
the reefs in deep water. Recently divers khave
managed fhave been managing to reach the reefs
and take photographs.

A lemur

A Scientists ahave recently
identified fhave been
identifying a new species of
animai in the rainforest of
Borneo. They bhave been
searching fsearched for this
creature for several years,
after reports from local
villagers, and say it is a type
of lemur.

2 Underline the correct form.

3 Use the prompts andhow fangto make a question.

a astronomers / look for Pluto's moons?
...H()t:V ..1CJf1..q..hgv?.gslCCJvt()f1A?r;; ..Q??vt.
... 1 CJCJkif1.q.:fCJC. p1&l±ql$ f1ACJCJvt$?
b archaeologists / hope to find Atlantis?

c scientists / use satellites to discover new reefs?

d physicists / investigate the origin of the universe?


e scientists / observe Vesuvius?

f biologists / try to find new species of mammal?

g archaeologists / excavate the palace in Guatemala?

h doctors / search for a cme for HIV?


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