Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
3 Underline the correct form.
a 'Be careful with that test tube. Itwill break/it breaks.'
b 'The egg is cracking. The baby birdwill come out/is going to come out/comes out.'
c 'Can you hurry up please. The filmwill start/is going to start/starts.'
d 'Carry this very carefully.' 'Don't worry,Fm not dropping it/I won 't drop it.'
e 'We're playing /We'ZZplay football this afternoon. Do you want to play too?'
f 'This dictionary costs€SO,but the red one is cheaper.'
'Ok,FZZtake/Fm taking /Fm going to takethe red one.'
g 'Have you decided about next year yet?'
'Yes,Fm studying /Fm going to study /FZZstudy journalism. Well, that's the plan anyway.'
h 'Ok, bye for now.'
'Bye,nIsee you/Fm going to see you/Fm seeing youat the same time on Friday.'

4 Complete each sentence wit h a phrase from the list.

I'll be waitingflll ho hlin", I'll be watching
I'll be living

1'11be starting
1'11be go ing

I'11be catching
1'11be working


a Next Tuesday at this time.....J1IIbe-JtjiVl.q on the beach!
b outside the cinema at 7.30. See you then!
c A11tomorrow afternoon on my history project.
d This time next week my holiday!
e In three years' time into the army.
f Don't phone at 9.00, because .. the match then.
g In ten years' time, I expect in my own fiat.
h This time tomorrow the pIane to Brazil!

5 Complete each sentence usingwill have (dane)orwan't have (done) +the verb in
brackets, according to your opinion.

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