Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
f Our climate will be different in 50 years' time.
g The capital city has continuedh The Arabian Desert and the Gobi Desert areThe ice at the Poles has starte d to meIt.Many people were injured in the graw. similar in size. .?????

e People were expecting a tsunami in 2004.


d 200 million years ago there was only one



c The volcano had erupted before.


1 Rewrite the sentence as ayes/noquestion.
a The Nile is the longest river. ..lkte...Njle..lhe../
b Earthquakes have occurred in this country.

2 Complete a short answer for each question.
a Do all birds spend winter in a different part of the world?
b Is the peregrine falcon the fastest bird?
c Can a raceharse run faster than a lion?
d Does the giant scolpender centipede really eat mice?
e Have termites really built nests seven metres tall?
f Do millipedes really have a thousand legs?
g Are we really discovering more species of insect all the time?
h Is it true that wasps make paper to build their nests?
Can some fish really climb trees?
Did unicorns really exist once?

No} lkte..u don)l~.
Yes, ..
No, .....
Yes, ..
Yes, ..
No, ..
Yes, ..
Yes, ..
Yes, ..

3 Match questions a tojwit h their answers 1 to 10.Then complete the questions.

a WheredQe..slhe,d\aJ\\'e..vo'ca~o come from? 6
b Howmany ..
c Where ..
d Why .....
e What
f How long ..
remain active?
g How ..
volcano will erupt?
h What ..
What ..
are going to erupt?
What ...
volcanic eruptions?

on Earth?
come from?
ot the volcano?

. that a



1 Scientists predict when a volcano will erupt by
2 The hot Iava comes fram deep in the Earth's crust.4 Dormant6 Most volcanoes5 The name volcano3 They often release sulphurmeasuringof fire, Vulcan.sign that they are going to erupt.the momentmeans that the volcanomovements- but it could erupt again .remaincomes fram the Roman godactive for thousandsin the Earth.dioxide gas (S02) as ais not active atar

7 People once thoughteven millions of years.that coal and sulphur (S) O +'

burning below graund caused volcanic eruptions. E

8 !t's hard to give an exact number, but there are O

mare than 30 well-known ones.

9 They measure the movements with an O

Vl +'
instrument called a seismometer.

10 The lava comes out because of pressure ::J

fram below.

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