Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


tag questions

tag question forms
We can put a tag at the end of a statement to make a question. We use the verb in the statement to
make the tag, using an auxiliary if necessary.The noun in the statement becomes a pronoun in the tag.
In the most common types of tag question, a positive verb has a negative tag.
You Iike pizza, don't you? (I'm not sure)
A negative verb has a positive tag.
Andrew won 't be angry, will he?(I want you to tell me that he won't)

types of tag questions

  • positive verb, negative tag
    When we use a positive verb and a negative tag, we generally expect ayesanswer.
    Russia producesalot of natural gas, doesn't it? Yes, it does.
    A lot of diamonds come from South Africa, don't they7 Yes, they do.

  • negative verb, positive tag
    When we use a negative verb and a positive tag, we generally expect anoanswer.
    There aren 't any active volcanoes in Scotland, are there? No, there aren't.
    Switzerland doesn't belong to thefU,does it? No, it doesn't.

  • positive verb, positive tag
    When we use a positive verb and a positive ta g, we are showing surprise.
    You liked the film, did you? (I didn't expect that you would like it)

intonation and meaning
The meaning of the question depends on the intonation we use.~
Budapest is the capital of Hungary, isn't it? Yes, it iso
When the intonation falls or is level, we are checking information we already know.
There are mountains in New Zealand, aren't ther~? Yes, that's right.
When the intonation rises, we are asking a question.--
That's not the Greek flag, is it? No, you're right. The Greek flag is blue and white.
50 andneither answers
In speech, we use 50 orneither to add similar information without repeating the main verb. We use
only an auxiliary(be, have, canetc) after 50 andneither.
We usesato add information following a positive statement.
Stromboli is an active volcano. 50 is Etna.
Volcanoes cause great damage. 50 do hurricanes.
We useneither to add information following a negative statement.
Japan doesn't produce its own oil. Neither does Korea.
A computer can 't wark without electricity Neither canacar.
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