Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
1 Add a positive tag to each sentence.
a Madagascal' isn't in the Atlantic Ocean, ..JsJl?
b Astronauts haven't landed on Mars, HH?
c The climate won't get any worse,?
d The Romans didn't sail to America,?
e Chickens can't fly,?
f The world's population isn't growing in all

2 Add a negative tag to each sentence.
a You were at the same school as Maria,
.. We.rc,VLtjDLlIl ... ....HH ••••••••••••••••••••••••••^7
b This is the way to the station'HH?
c You've forgotten to buy the tickets,?
d They understand this problem,?
e Helen is coming to the party,?
f The bus took a long time,?

3 Choose the correct sentence, A or S, for each situation.
aA You always know the answer, in fact!
A You know the answer, don't you? B You don't know the answer, do you?
b I'm sure I left it here, but now I can't find it.
A You have seen my bag, haven't you? B You haven't seen my bag, have you?
c I knew that he would pass.
A Jack passed the exam, didn't he? B Jack didn't pass the exam, did he?
d Oh no! That means I'm going to get wet!
A It's raining, isn't it? B It's not raining, is it?
e You ought to get one. It's a much better way to travel in the city.
A You've got a bike, haven't you? B You haven't got a bike, have you?
f So we can talk about the final plans then.
A You'll be here next week, won't you? B You won't be here next week, will you?
g You're really good at it, so I'm sure it isn't the first time.
A You've played this game before, haven't you? B You haven't played this garn e before, have you?
h Why didn't you tell me, I thought he'd already left.
A MI'Jones is still waiting for me, isn't he? B MI'Jones isn't still waiting for me, is he?

4 Use the information to write two sentences. Begin the second sentence with the word incapitals.

a Most portable radio s and most CD players need batteries for power. SO
Mosl ..porlablc, ..cadios ..Vi.c,c,d..ballc,ric,s ..+oc ..pOWc,c..DO..dO..MDSl ..CO ..platjc,rs ....
b Airships and helicopters don't need a runway to land. NEITHER

c Diesel engines and petrol engines produce exhaust fumes. SO

d Wind power and wave power don't cause air pollution. NEITHER

e Computers and calculators use e1ectronic microchips. SO

f A wireless keyboard and wireless mouse don't require a connecting cable. NEITHER

Make a list of ten personal check questions with tags and ask another member of the class.
Make a list of ten quiz check questions with tags and ask another member of the class.
Need more practice? Goto theReviewon page 192.


g Some cookers and lighting systems can use solar power. SO

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