Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
1 Rewrite each sentence as reported speech with tense changes.
Gl II get up every day at 6.30,' she said.
She.saiJ...(lk1al) ..b.~O.
b II forgot to phone the doctor,' he said.
c IEverybody likes comedy films,' he said.
d II'm thinking about it,' he said.
e II was reading the paper,' she said.

f IScientists don't understand everything,' she said.
g II've decided to look for a new job,' he said.
h II can swim 5,000 metres,' he said.
He said
II'm going to have a baby,' she said.
'1'11phone on Friday,' he said.

2 Read the information about the Trojan War. Then put one pronoun or reference word
in each space.

A II love you, Helen, and I want you to come with
me to Troy,' Paris told Helen.
Paris told Helen that he loved a k1&C and
he wanted b to go to Troy with
B II'm going to attack Troy and get my wife back
because she loves me best!' Menelaus told his
Menelaus told his brother that he was going to
attack Troy and get d wife back
because e loved
f best.
C IWe'l1 come with you to Troy and get your wife
back,' the Greek heroes told Menelaus.
The Greek heroes told Menelaus that
g would go with h to
attack Troy and geti wife back.
D IWe've been fighting here for nin e years and we
want to get back to our families,' the Greeks said.
The Greeks said that they had been fighting
j for nin e years and they wanted
to get back to I< families.
E II'm going to take some soldiers with me inside
this wooden horse,' Odysseus told them.
Odysseus to Id them that he was going to take
some soldiers with I inside
m wooden horse.

F IMy plan has worked, and the city is ours,'
Odysseus told the Greeks.
Odysseus told the Greeks that n
plan had worked and the city was


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