Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
He suggested (that) lusedacalcu lator.
He promised (him) (that) he would do it.

reported questions, commands,

and reporting verbs

reported questions

  • yes/noquestions
    We report these questions using iforwhether. We follow the tense-ehange rules (seeUnit16). We
    ehange the question form of the verb to the statement form. We do not use a question marko
    '00you understand the question?' she asked us,
    She asked us if/whether weunderstood the question.

  • reported questions with a question word
    We report these questions using the question word and the following tense-ehange rules.
    We ehange the question form of the verb to the statement form.
    'What temperature is the water7' she asked.
    She asked what temperature the water was,

reported requests and commands
Useaskto report requests: ask+objeet +to-infinitive.
'Please tum on your computers,' He asked ustotum on our computers,
Usetellto report eommands: tell +objeet +to-infinitive.
Tum on your computers!' He told ustotum on our computers,
'Don't tum it on!' He told us not totum it on.

report verbs
Some verbs explain what people say, or summarize their words. Using a report verb often means you
ean summarize the aetual words people say, without repeating them.
'1'11bring my homework tomorrow, honestly, I will, really!'
He promised tobring his homework the next day

  • verb + that-c1ause
    suggest 'Why don't you useacalculator?'
    promise '1'11doit'.

  • verb +-ing

'Why don 't you useacalculator?'
'I didn't break the jar.'

He suggested using acalculator.
He denied breaking the jar.

  • verb +to-infinitive
    offer '1'11help you, '
    promise '1'11bring it tomorrow '
    refuse '{won 't sit down!'
    agree to 'Ok, 1'/1pay (you)€300, '

  • verb +objeet +to-infinitive
    advise '{would (wouldn't) stop, if {were you,'
    remind 'Oon't forget to lock the door.'
    wam 'Oon't touch that wire!'

He offered tohelp her.
She promised tobring it the next day
He refused tosit down,
He agreed topay (him) €300

She advised me(not) tostop,
She reminded him toloek the door.
She wamed menot totouch the wire,

  • verb+objeet

'Would you like to come to dinner?'
'Would you like some ice cream?'

He invited me todinner.
He offered her some ice cream.


  • other patterns
    explain This is how you do it. '
    agree with 'Yes,{think the same, '
    congratulate 'Well done, you've won,'

She explained how todo it,
She agreed with him,
He congratulated her on winning,
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