Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Use thei.nforrnJ3tion to make an impossible past conaitional sentence,
beginning as shown. It is not necessary to use all the information.
ci In 1469, Isabella
of Castile married
Ferdinand of Aragon.
Their marriage
combined the twa
kingdams. and
created the kingdom
of ?pain,wl1ich SOOI1
became one of the.;
m?st'powerful.c~untrie$ in Europe.
If Isabella

e In September lQ66,Dllke William of
Normandy sailed ~th'an anny to E~gl~:n5-t
He believ€dthat he,.aridnot Hato1d, was the
rightful king. Haroldmarch~~;to·~ee~'~illiam}1'
but his armywastired atter fighting ~:bat~i~
in theO:north agairtstthe Vikings. William won
the battle that rollowed, anq be~ame king
11'Harolq's armz

a The Trojans saV\ithe wooden hors.ej and
decided to take it into Troy. Om:eit was
inside tM walls, the Greeks,;hiddeninsidethe
li~r~~ came out, opened theigatesj and the
Greek army captured Troy:
If the Trojanshadlt~l::,>;fak<ll::t&UiOQd&.:t
JlOCSl:"jlt1;oTCokj., the Greeks .Uioulc!l'I.ol":4'W
..ktaVe,....ca9l.4E'e,.~l.lkte, ..cillj, ...
h In September 490 BO, an army fromf\theus
and Plataea met the Persian army of Darius I
on theGreek coast at Marathon, about 35 km
trom Athens. It seemed that nothing coutd
stop Darius conquering Greece.Eowever,
the Greek army won atotal victory, and the
Persian army went home.
If the Greeks
Darius and his army
c On 10 January 49 BCrjulius Caesar crossed the
River R'ubicon on the,.1J2!s!.er of Italy with his
army. This ledto,civifwar which Caesar Won,
and sobecame leader of the Roman state.
If Julius CaeSar...iUi.W••W"','"'"',,,,',."' ..•.......

4 Complete the wish-sentence with the verb in brackets.
a What on earth is the answer to this problem! (know) ltUiShLkl:te..wlkte..mlStU&clolktispcobJe..M ...
b Unfortunately, I haven't got a calculator. (h ave) I ..
c The trouble is, I don't really understand the problem. (understand) I
d And my teacher never explains things to me. (explain)
e I think I'd prefer to be in a different class. (be)
f In fact, 1'd rather do French instead. (do)
g I love France - it would be great to live there! (live)
h But at the moment I have to my homework! (have to do)

5 Complete the wish-sentence with the information provided.


a Juliet: 'Considering what happened later,
meeting Romeo was a mistake. I
Iulisktlhadl'\.llMe,.l. him!
b Christopher Columbus: 'Sailing to America was
a mistake, perhaps, and it would have been
better to stay at home!'
I at home!

c Harry Potter: 'Learning to be a wizard has
turned out to be rather dangerous. Deciding to
go to a wizard school was a mistake!'
I school!
d Marco Polo: lIt was great being in China.
Perhaps it would have been better to stay there,
and not come home to Italy.'
I wish China.
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