Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
have+ object + past participie


causative have, verbs with two

objects, passive reporting verbs

I havemyhair cut anceamonth.
They're having their house decoratedatthe moment.
We had the computers eheeked last week.
Tom has had his nose a/tered.
I'm going tohavemyphotograph taken.

present simple
present continuous
past simple
present perfect
goingto future

Use causativehave

  • to describe a service eg painting, decorating, haircut, operation, etc that somebody does for us.
    We do not usually say who performed the action unless this is important.
    I'm going tohave my photograph taken.(by a photographer =not necessary)
    I'm going to have my photograph taken byatop fashion photographer. (important information)

  • for unfortunate events eg accident, fire, theft etc.
    Sallyhas had her car sto/en.

We can usegetinstead ofhavein everyday speech egI getmyhair cut ance a month.
Note:Get something danecan also meanmanage to dosomething.
Did you get your projeet done?
We also useget danefor unfortunate events when there is no agent.
Did anyoneget hurt?
We can also usegetinstead ofbein the passive in everyday speech with verbs such asinvite, offer,
choose, take, sendetc.
Wegot invited to Jim's house. She gat sent to Franceonacourse.

Verbs with two possible objects~ -- =.::.. =
buy, give, lend, make something for someone, offer, prepare something for someone,
promise, sef/, send, take something tosomeone
give Jim gave A/an same he/p. Jim gave same he/p to A/an.
take David took Susanapresent. David tookapresenttoSusano

Verbs with twa possible objects have two passive forms, but one is more commonly used.
Alan was given some he/p by Jim. (more com mon)
Somehe/p was given to Alan by Jim.
Susan was takenapresent by David. (more (ommon)
A present was taken to Susanby David.


Reporting verbs_._..... ---
believe, expect, know, report, say, think, suppose, understand
Present simple passive + todo/to be doingare used for reports about the present.
The missing painting is be/ievedtobe in Switzerland.
The government is saidtobe studying the proposal.


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