Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

4 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets and a form ofcanarhave to.

Rapid population growth a(cause) c.el1,Hc.e4S~
problems.The government b (provide)
more hospitals, schools and jobs, farmers c (produce)
.. more food and ali the extra
people d (have) homes. Ina
less economically developed country, the economy
e (grow) fast enough to deal
with the problems. Many countries realize that they
f(control) population growth.
Some countries believe they can encourage family planning
through education and publicity. Other countries believe
that they have such a serious problem that they g (take)
special measures to control the number of people.InChina, for example, there is a
'one chiid' policy. Couples h (ask) permission from the government to marry, and
women i(be) at least 25 years old. The couple theni(ask)
permission to have a chiid, and are allowed only one.

5 Complete the text to give advice on how to deal with a snake bite usingshould arshouldn't.
Check the factual answers on page 208.
a You~*(Jtlld stop the victim moving too much.
b You give the victim a painkiller.
c You check the person's temperature, breathing and blood pressure.
d If the snake is dead, you keep it for later examination.
e You cut into the bite.
f You keep the person calm.
g You try to suck out the poison wit h your mouth.
h You give them food and drink.

6 Add a comment to each situation, using the pronoun inbrackets and an idea from the list
with had better.


take au umbIella
we ar ahat

don't play in the match
don't wake him up

che ck it in the dictionary
take some sandwiches

leave now
call a taxi


a I think it's going to rain.
b H's a long way to the station.
( You don 't look very well.
d We might get hungry later.
e H's going to be hot today.
f The last train leaves in fifteen minutes.
g He's still asleep.
h That word doesn't look right.

(we) lNe-IcLbe-lle-e.l.akL aVl.uMbmlla.
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