Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

1 Complete the sentence with couldarcouldn't.

uu write his

uu only play one song.
..u stay out late.
.uuuu move huge pieces of

a The suitcase was sa heavy I (:.qaloa1l lift it.
b I learned to play the piano when I was ten but I
c I have to go home saon, my parents said I
d We don't know how, but the ancient Egyptians
stane to build the pyramids.
e Frank Sinatrau sing really well but he
own songs.
f He.. .................u do the homework because he lost his book.
g The Britonsu make soap before the Romans.
h 100 years ago, most peopleuu travel abroad because it was too expensive.
The class worked hard sa they. .uuuuu leave early.
When you were younger,u you play any musical instruments?

2 Complete the comment on the situation with either didn't need toarneedn't have (dane)and
the verbin brackets.

a I worked fast and finished my project on time, but naw aur teacher has given the class three
more weeks.
(work) ..uuLneedl\llJ:tave.morked .uu ....u sa hard!
b At least I managed to do it without working at the weekend.
(work) .. .uu the weekend.
c And although I thought I would have to borrow same books, in the end this wasn't
(borrow) .... any books.
d But I gave up a lot of my spare time when I didn't have to!
(give) ..u sa much of my
spare time.
e I spent a lot of time reading and writing every evening.
(spend) .uu reading and
writing every evening.
f But I managed to do it on my own, and I didn't ask for any help.
(ask) .. ...u any help.
g And I didn't give up playing tennis.
(play) .. u.u•.. u•.••••••••.•••••••.••••••••••••.•••••••.•••..•••••••••••••••••.••..••.••••.••...••••••••.••••••••••••••••.••••••..••..•••.••••.•••••••.••••••••.•••.••. tennis.
h I spent a lot of time using the Internet unnecessarily.
(use) sa much.
But it was quite easy in the end, and I did it without thinking too hard!
(think) .. ........................u too hardo
In the end, I worried about it a lot, but this wasn't necessary!
(worry) ..u it sa much




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