Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

3 Complete the text with had to, didn't have to, couldorcouldn't + the verbs in brackets.

Life for children in Victorian Britain was very different
from the life children lead today. Firstly, Victorian
children a (go)JiJr\,llhay~lQqQ to school, and in
any case poor families b (pay) .. .... for
lessons because they didn't have enough money. So
children c (find) jobs at an early
age, starting in the coal mines, for example, at the age of
five. The more fortunate children became apprentices,
learning a trade and working at the same time. Such
children d (work) for fifty or sixty
hours a week, usualIy for very low wages, and e (sign)
an agreement which kept them
with the same master for a number of years. The worst
jobs were in factories, where many children under the
age of nine were employed. Children we re aiso employed
to dean chimneys, and known as 'chimney sweeps'.
These children f(climb)d up
A young chimney sweep chimneys and dean them. They g (be).
smalI, or else they would get stuck in the chimney. Using children to do this job was banned in 1840, but
employers then h (use) special brushes, which were expensive, and 50 they continued to
use childrm. The employersi(pay) ... a smalI fine if they were caughr. After the Factory Act
of 1833, employers in textile factoriesj(employ) ... children under the age of nine, though
children aged nine to 11 k (work) ... eight hours a day. However, nothing changed in coal
mines and in other factories, where employers I (put) children to work in dangerous and
dirty conditions. lt wasn't until 1847 that employers m (limit). ddddddd the working day to ten
hours, for both children and adults.


(^4) Comment on the situation saying what the personshould have doneorshauldn't have dane.
Use the verb in brackets.
a The ancient Greek philosopher Aristatle said that a heavy object always falIs faster than a
light objeet, but he didn't conduet an experiment to prove it, and in fact he was wrong.
(conduct) H~.shQl,lld ..haye-c:,QV1.dl,l<::.l~JdeV1...e-xpe-Cit:.te-I',J,.
b The English scientist Francis Bacon wanted to find out whether snow would preserve a
dead chicken. He spent a long time in the cold doing this, and then died of achill.
(wear) ..
c Scientists often test things on themselves ar their students. Inthe case of von Liebig,
a German chemist, he dropped acid anto the arms of his students to see what would
happen. Unfortunately the acid burned their skin very badly.
(test) ..
d Other scientists injure themselves by accident. Pierre Curie carried radioactive substances
in his trouser pockets. This burned holes in his pockets and injured his legs.
(carry) ..

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