Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


modals: possibility, uncertainty,

certainty (present I future)

possibility and uncertainty
Usemay, might, could +bare infinitive

  • to describe things that will possibly happen.
    The next earthquake may/might /could happen tomorrow
    Usemay not andmight not + bare infinitive

  • to describe things that will possibly not happen in the future.
    The next earthquake may not /might not happen for another fifty years. It's impossible to predict exactly

Usecan+ bare infinitive

  • to describe a possibility in general, but not with a future time reference.
    During an earthquake, people can suffer injuries when parts of buildings fali into the street.

Usewill + bare infinitive

  • when we are certain something will happen in the future.
    During a strong earthquake, some older buildings will collapse.
    Usemust +bare infinitive

  • when we are certain something is true (usually with be),ar when we suppose what a situation
    is like.
    I've never been in an earthquake. It must be really frightening.
    (=I'm certain of that.)
    You've done a lot of work. You must feel really tired'
    (=I'm sure you do.)

negative certainty
Usecan't +bare infinitive

  • when we are certain something is not true (usually withbe)ar impossible.
    That can't be an earthquake! We don't have earthquakes here!
    You can't know the answer already! That's impossible!

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