Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
3 Rewrite the sentence 50 that it contains the word incapitals.
a rm sure you know the difference between a solid and a gas! MUST
...You ..Musl.K.I'\Qw.lhe. ..di±±'\ce...Qe.l..we.e.V',..a ..Solid ..and ..a ..qas/ ...
b If a substance does not contain hydro gen, then we are sure that it isn't an acid. CAN'T

c If we put some litmus paper in a solution and it turns red, then we are sure that the
solution is an acid. MUST

d If we add a substance to a red-cabbage solution and it stays red, then we are sure the
substance isn't an alkali. CAN'T

e If we add a substance to a red-cabbage solution and it turns green, then the substance
is sure to be an alkali. MUST

f If we put some litmus paper in a solution and it turns red, then we are sure that the
solution isn't an alkali.

g If it's not an acid, ar an alkali, then it's sure to be neutral.

h If we use a universal indicatar to check a substance, and it turns purple, then we are
sure that the substance isn't an acid.

4 Rewrite each sentence 50 that it begins as shown and contains the word incapitals.




a If the warld becomes warmer, as some scientists predict, it is possible that Europe will
change dramatically over the next century. COULD
If the world becomes warmerassQMe.Hs.cie.l'\lisls9re.ctic.l)~urQpe.cQu(d
b H is possible that there will be no snow-covered mountains in Europe by then. MIGHT
There ..
c And it's possible that areas in the south of Europe will become deserts. COULD
And areas ..
d H's also possible that heavy rain will become normai in narthern Europe. MIGHT


e While it's possible that southern Europe will be always shart of water.
While southern Europe ..

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