Student Writing Handbook Fifth+Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Narration / 101

-^ The writer shows rather than tells about the festive activities. For instance, we
do not read that the dishes were tasty but see the dishes and imagine the taste.
The writer does not say he is full, only that his stomach screams.
-^ The paragraphs change when the topics change or, in the case of dialogue,
when the speakers change. [See Chapter 22, Dialogue, for more details.]
-^ The paragraphs do not include topic sentences, nor does the paper include a
thesis sentence.
-^ A theme, however, does emerge, particularly in the final paragraph in which
the writer shares his thoughts about the festive occasion.

By imitating the process, characteristics, and model above, you should be able to
develop a good narration.

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